Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oh, Dystopians

And just like that a bunch of times passes. Helped by my outrageous sleeping habits.

Just finished Farenheit 451 and it is awesome. One of the best dystopians I've ever read, but then that's not saying too much. I've not read terribly many. Off the top of my head:

1.1984 by George Orwell

From the man who brought you Animal Farm. This is a great book that everyone needs to read. You hear it alluded to a lot in media etc. It's a bitch to read though. Some parts are just boring. BUT I did like it by the time I got to the end. I'm just not going to reread it anytime soon.

2.Brave New World by A. Huxley

Bumbumbum!! The future as it would be genetically altered. With cloning technology and whatnot on the rise it's another one that everyone should read. Plus, it's a better and smoother read than Orwell's ^. What's more important? Happiness or humanity?

3.Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

So worth it. Excellent read.

4.The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Anotherone by Atwood that is also worth it. What would happen if we were to return to our 'foundation' beliefs? Tis about what would happen in a world that returns to it's Christian roots only way too literally. Remember: Some of the Bible needs to be interpretated metaphorically.

5.Little Brother by Cory Doctorow

Posted a review on it a while back. It's good. Go read the review. ( If you like the sci-fi scene then you should go check out his book Overclocked.

6.World War Z by Max Brooks

Think Zombies. It's about what would happen if zombie-ism was wide spread all over the world. It does really well with making it a political problem. The way he lays it out is surprisingly realistic for a zombie book. Comes in the form of short stories about the same happening. Recommended.

7.The House of the Scorpion by Farmer

An introductory to dystopian thinking for children. I read this when I was about 12 and I got it easily. So if your honing the paranoia and critical thinking of someone younger....

8.Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

I'm sure you've all heard of this one. Ender, our protagonist, is taken as a boy to a 'space camp' that's really in space. It's where they train kids for a military that fights aliens etc. Great for you space-y peeps.

9.Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Just finished this one about three hours ago. Out of these nine it's a favorite.

From the back cover: "Guy Montag was a fireman whose job it was to start fires. And he enjoyed his job. He had been a fireman for ten years, and he had never questioned the pleasure of the midnight runs or hte joy of watching pages consumed by flames, never questioned anything until he met a seventeen-year-old girl who told him of a past when people were not afriad. Then guy met a professor who told him of a future in which people could think. And Guy montag suddenly realized what he had to do...."

So, go forth and dystopia-ize.


robin.c.s. said...

The only one of those books I've read is Brave New World. o_O I feel so uncultured (and inappropriately accepting of "The Man").

You know, I've been thinking...

You. Me. Interested parties. Book review blog. What'cha think? O' course, this is a busy time probably for both of us. But I like reading your book reviews. And I like writing 'em myself. :D

SA said...

Calling Dystopians ...
Cheers TtLG