Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trials And Tribulations

Hour and a half drive to Chattanooga to look at the car lots today. This time with my 20-year-old scraggly bearded all knowing brother.

The drive up there alone was a terrifying ordeal. He doesn't know how to use his blinkers. Or his breaks. Did I say an hour and a half? Take into account Driving of Terror! then it makes it about 45 minutes. Finally, we arrive at the car lot. Seedy looking place with even seedier looking salesmen. Eating crack donuts. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Anyhow, seedy looking place that has the car of my dreams. Ford Fusion, charcoal colored with black leather interior and tricked out with awesome-ness.

Me: "That's the car I want!"

Brother: "Shhh! Pretend like you hate it. We want it cheap."

Salesmen: "Hey Pretty Lady, don't mind as I flash me teeth at you and oggle your brother. RAWR!"

Me: ........

The conversation continued on for this strain for awhile. With the salesmen and my brother trying to out-impress each other with made up information about non-existent cars. As this was going on a giant storm brewed above us. Crashing lightening. High Winds. Pelting Rain. The whole nine-yardage. So we decide to call it quites for the day and head onwards. ( Going back tomorrow to drool over unattainable dream car.)

Amidst this Storm we have to stop and get gas because we've put it off and are now running purely on fumes. Brother waits until he finds gas station that looks decently trashy and pulls over. By this time the wind is blowing the rain all up under the awning and I'm getting drenched, but in I quest for the restroom! (Traveling with boys means that you get to pee a lot less than you want to.) While in there I get stared at by creepy old gas station men. Vaguely regret wearing low cut top, but not to much. Would have stared regardless because they're not looking for a date but recruiting for their cult. But it sounds better if I pretend like I'm being checked-out. *nods*

After being needlessly molested by old-creepy-gas-station eyes I run out to the car avoiding the lightening falling about me and trying to see through the torrents of rain. I rip open the car door....right into my face. I've got a great shiner.


robin.c.s. said...


You gotta watch out for those car salesmen and their crack donuts. It's like a Seattle-ite and coffee. Like synonyms, see?

(I've no idea what I'm babbling about anymore.)

That sounds like an amazing moment. One of those moments when you're like, "dang, another prime photo opportunity WASTED," and when you're glad there were no witnesses all at the same time.

What you should do is tell people a crazy story about how you got the shiner. Like, you fought a rabid chimp or something. I have a giant scar on my knee that I've had since I was seven, and in my mind I got that scar by battling a shark with an agenda. How I REALLY got it doesn't matter. If you know what I'm saying'. ;)