Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Married To My Books

Since band camp has started I've now been able to see a good deal of my friends. This means I have new opportunities to foist books off in their directions. All in the hopes of them reading, enjoying, and being enlightened by them. Mostly to just share the complete awe inspiring thing that is literature.

Now I have a problem. You see...I get emotionally attached to my books. I lend books to friends who I trust, but no others. Still, there's no way I'd let someone walk off with Beauty or Lady Knight. (Yeah, my stronger attachments are to fantasy books. Surprise!)

I REALLY want one of my friends to read As Simple As Snow, but am unwilling to part with it. Ridiculous? Yes. Known cure? No. Still, give me a week or two and I'll bite the bullet and just let him borrow it. I mean, what price is too great to share such things? *coughs* My books. *coughs*

Sorry. Cold. *Shifty look*


robin.c.s. said...

I'm EXACTLY the same way. Oh, not always. I used to be naive -- I used to think everyone treated books with the same reverence I did. But then I lent several books to a friend of mine, and each and every one of them came back to me crinkled, dog-eared, and water-stained beyond recognition. After that day I swore I would only lend books to those who knew how to treat them properly. xD That vow has stuck to this day.

And yet, the urge to push a good book on a friend so that they might share your delight is often overpowering. 'Specially books like Lady Night and As Simple As Snow. Good books. I've been meaning to reread the latter for awhile now. Once I'm through with this trilogy I started (painful business, too >_<) I'm gonna get to that..

How are you coming along with Till We Have Faces? Enjoying it?

That Hank said...

I'm like that with certain of my books, mostly the hardbacks with nice illustrations, but paperbacks come and go. I prefer to pass something on and rebuy myself a copy later than to worry over dog ears and splashes of soup on the pages.