Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Potential Loyalty

I am having a deep and complicated debate within myself. What is more important? Being loyal to someone or leaving them for the potential to be happier? If someone has taken care of your needs for years, and when they screw up they fix it asap is that enough? Or do I betray Adagio Teas for Teavana and their White Youthberry tea? It's so hard!

I bought this cup from Teavana:

It's really awesome, the inside of the cup is a blend of earthy browns and blues.....And Teavana has a STORE that you can WALK IN 40 minutes away from my house. xD


robin.c.s. said...

I was beginning to feel very sorry for Tyler, and then I read the word "Adagio", and I knew all was well.

Teavana is pretty cool. The only downside I can think of with a walk-in store is that it's more expensive. I bought some loose leaf tea at the Teavana around here, and it made quite a hole in my wallet.

Also, just saying, you could buy from both at once. THEY NEVER HAVE TO KNOW.

Aurora said...

Hahaha, yeah. Tyler's safe. He's handsome, lovely, nice, funny, and randomly has books delivered to my apartment.

True love. (And when it comes to love loyalty rules all!!!!111one)

I will probably do this thing you speak of.