Friday, November 19, 2010

Pointless Post Midnight Post

There are many things that frighten me about this apartment of mine.

I am not superstitious. Superstition deals with being irrational, and then you have to define rational. Which leads to...scientists. There is a time and a place for scientists, but scientists do not always have a time and place.

I was raised on stories of ghosts, spirits, and wonderful things. They were told to me in complete seriousness and in jest. Most importantly, they were told with great relish. So, I am a believer of things that cannot be measured by science, but dare to call me irrational and I'll dare to call you a bigot.

Because there are wonderful wonderful things that cannot be defined. The feeling of security when you walk through a sunny meadow where you have lived all your life. The feeling of unease that suddenly goes through you when you walk over a certain part.

But all that was beside the point. What I am most frightened of in this most small and innocent apartment is the peephole in the door. I would take a picture and put it here, but I am currently avoiding it. Hence this post.

One day when I look out, what if there is someone looking in? THE CREEPINESS BLOWS MY MIND!!


robin.c.s. said...

Oh. My. Gosh. For the longest time I had the same fear about the peephole. Not even fear, really, but hesitance, I guess. I wrote a short story about it, hoping for either catharsis or exorcism, not sure which. (It kinda/sorta worked).

(And if fear the peephole even more than your nudist neighbor's hairy rear end, then I salute you.)