Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Boo To You, Fashion.

Well, I finished reading Pegasus  ages ago, but I'm still contemplating what I'm going to say about it, so the review is still non-existent.

And the rest of my life is spent sitting around, studying for exams, and eating. Also, my hair is turning a mousy brown color. It has been getting progressively darker each winter (the sun makes it lighter) and now I think it is about to give up being blond. What a terrible time to do so. I'm freaking 20! This is ridiculous.

I finally have a decent (if not large) wardrobe that complements my shape and coloring. My coloring is changing. Boo to you, fashion. Boo to you.


robin.c.s. said...

I was 14 when my hair lost its blond and became mouse brown. It was kind of rough on my hair. Went through a mourning period. I don't think it was ever the same. That's probably why it went curly -- overcompensation. (Well, you know, the experts say you shouldn't make any life-changing decisions for at least a year after a traumatic event. But would my hair listen?)

If your hair needs any support during this transition period, it can always talk to my hair.

(Okay, I'm done now. I think.)

OH WAIT, no I'm not! Because you know what you could do? If your wardrobe totally clashes with your new coloring, you could always play it up and try to get on What Not to Wear. Automatic $5,000 wardrobe budget, my friend.