Sunday, August 29, 2004

Site Oh yeah, here is Matthew's blog if you want to read his view of the trial

Sunday's trial

Well, we were going to do the trial ( the Cassie vs. Avery thing) ,but I wasn't on the computer so I don't know if they did it or not. I was going to be on when I got back home from my Mammow's house ( were we,my family, eat Sunday dinner), but my little cousin's were there and wanted to go to the creek. So I went to the creek the barn and everywhere else you could think of before I remembered the trial:( .I hope nobody's mad at me. They really didn't have to have me I was only the lawyer. Oh well, if they haven't done it yet we can get together and specify the time of the trial. Anyway nothin' much is up I have after school computer tomorrow . We can discuss the trial thingy there. I've been tryin' to find fencing class on the computer. Not to take on the computer. I want to take classes so I'm trying to find a place that offers them on my computer. I guess I worded that right. Yesterday Mr.Porter, A distant cousin of mine, gave me these cool wood thingys that come from a swamp or something . The swamp water rubs them smooth and make them look weird. They're some kind of tree top thingys.He actually got them in the early 50's which makes them even cooler. (FYI) My brother is going to get his pilot's license and Mr. porter is going to teach him hoe to fly. That's why Mr. Porter travels so much if I mention it. My rabbit is doing fine. Tootles :)

Saturday, August 28, 2004

The court of the honarable judge Matthew

Tomorrow Cassie,Avery, I , and the o' so honorable judge Mathhew * rolls eyes* are holding a trial tomorrow (by way of chat room). Case: Cassie vs. Avery.... Why must Avery annoy Cassie continually? The trial will of course be held after church around 1 or 2 o'clock.I will be Cassie's lawyer and Avery will have a court appointed lawye (anyone else who's on). My gosh I am a dork aren't I..*shakes head* ... I am now an AOL lawyer...hehehehehe. Anyway I haven't done much of late. I have been taking care of silly rabbit. trying to figure out a good name.My mom wants to name it Kitty Kitty. Is that not mean? I want to name it after a book character. Tootles

Friday, August 27, 2004

Student Council

Guess what.....I got on the student council! Yah! I really wanted on to be with my friends though and only Holly got on * looks sad* I can't believe Thomas or Matthew didn't get voted in. Oh well, We still have a chance with yearbook staff. Plus+ one of teachers gives an after school math class (Mr.Griswold of course like I'd put up with the other math teacher Arnold.) . Well took it last year with my friends in Pre-algebra . I think that's the only class he offers it to is Pre-Algebra,but Holly and I are going to ask about it. Like he'd really turn us down an opportunity for a better education(Time to hang out).Matthew,Cassie , Thomas and I also go to after school computer on Mondays. The football game went well. I didn't fall or crash or die or anything so I think it went well. We won 8 to 6. Also another good thing for the game. Even if the band is more important than the players, they count also :) My rabbit is doing good and has put on weight since I caught it. Anyway.....Tootls :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Kitty Cat

Yesterday I found my Cat who had caught a baby rabbit sitting in the field.So I went to take away the rabbit so he would maybe get the idea ot stop eating them. Well, Unfortunately the Rabbit was still alive. What to do?Of course I brought it inside and fixed it up a box to stay in 'till the morning ,.....turns out a front leg is broken though. So I'm going to keep it until the leg heals and realease it into the wild. On to other things I've been up to. Today we marched as I said earlier and now I have to leave due to the Mother of mine insisting I get off "right this minute". So I 'll continue updating on how the stupid rabbit is doing.Tootles:)


I love band,but despise having to lisyen to the band director :) Just to let you know. Today we got our places in the line up so we know were we have to go in the formation and before we did anything it rained on us.....bummer....Anyway we have to be ready by Thursday for the football game. We have only been practicing 2 weeks *looks worried* ,but I think we'll make it.Any way have to go. Tootles

Sunday, August 22, 2004


Hi, today is the inevitable day right before Monday. I will not complain about the inevitable
because there is absolutely no point in it. Well, I turned in my essay ( the yearbook staff one). Now I have to wait until September the sixth to find out if I made it. I have to turn in my Student Council Tuesday. I ,fortunately, joined chorus successfully. It turns out Mrs. Manor really doesn't care if your tone deaf. So now I get to hang out with more of my friends during lunch (chorus gets to go to lunch early). I really haven't done anything else. So tootles.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Well, I started school last week and I am actually very happy to be back. I really missed my friends although depressingly they're only a few of them with any of the same classes. I only have Thomas in one and Matthew and Holly are in , guess how many......... Absolutely none of them. At least Kelcie is in all my classes, but two. I really can' t complain about my classes either. I really like algebra it's my favorite class . I finally get History and not Geography ( I want to Major in Archaeology). I get reading which is extremely easy. Mrs. Dillard is making us read a thirty page book *rollseyes*. I find it insulting that she doesn't think we're capable of reading more than what's included in a first grade reading book. Oh well, Let's not be Pessimistic. I'm writing an essay on what I could contribute to the yearbook staff . That's how they narrow down who gets to be on it. There is the limited amount of six people allowed. I'm also going to join chorus again this year Mrs. Manor doesn't mind if your tone deaf so I can still get on :). Plus I'm going to run for student council. I was in it last year,but then I was a seventh grader. Now I am in eighth and we ,my friends and I ,are now top dog of the school. Well I have to do my Algebra. Tootles :)

Monday, August 09, 2004

3 1 day of.... Doom's day

Today I went to school. I saw like Nobody at all, except for my Bestfriend Kelcie, and Thomas and one of my friends Cassie. Oh how I wish summer Vacation was here! (Even though I desperately need to improve my math.) Anyway just thought I would speak of the Future days of horror(school).

Thursday, August 05, 2004


Today I was Climbing my tree( the tree I always climb) and I was going to do a flip off the branches. Well I was hanging upside down and accidentally let go. The worst part though was that I fell into a fold out chair that was full of rain water so now I'm soakin' wet. :) Anyway only 3 days until school is here. How utterly depressing.Anyway I look forward to seeing my friends. Tootles

Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Hey, I've been busy lately or I would have wrote the past two days. The day before yesterday I was in Chattanooga. I went to Hamilton Place Mall and bought books at Walden's bookstore.( Pendragon "Black Water" and The Complete Poems/Stories of Edgar Allan Poe) Then I had to go to Giant Steps and get my Saxophone repaired (Head piece recorked and octave key replaced.) I've already finished my Pendragon book. It's another cliff hanger like the Reality Bug, and guess what. The next book doesn't come out until ........ summer 2005! Don't you hate that. Now everyone who has read it has to wait a whole 'nother' year to see what happens.Anyway some of my Bro's friends are spending the night tomorrow.(absolute catastrophe) :) Well, that's all for now. Tootles

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Day 2 of Blog

I went fishing at my Small pond in my front yard today.With my three cousins Shania age 7, Dolton age 8,and Colton age 12 . There's nothin'' in there, but small Brim and a few catfish so I don't even know why I try. I tried to ride Fritz ,my horse, but he's been mad at me ever since I made him run around the field so he wouldn't come to me. It wasn't like I enjoyed the last time I rode neither . The mean thing threw me off. I guess I'll just have to start using the saddle more often so I have something to hold me in place. I usually ride bareback.Oh well, I need to go change my template Matthew says it's messed up. I think I messed it up when I tried to Customize it.Tootles.