Sunday, August 01, 2004

Day 2 of Blog

I went fishing at my Small pond in my front yard today.With my three cousins Shania age 7, Dolton age 8,and Colton age 12 . There's nothin'' in there, but small Brim and a few catfish so I don't even know why I try. I tried to ride Fritz ,my horse, but he's been mad at me ever since I made him run around the field so he wouldn't come to me. It wasn't like I enjoyed the last time I rode neither . The mean thing threw me off. I guess I'll just have to start using the saddle more often so I have something to hold me in place. I usually ride bareback.Oh well, I need to go change my template Matthew says it's messed up. I think I messed it up when I tried to Customize it.Tootles.