Friday, January 18, 2008

Condescension and a Fun Noodle

So, this is my first week sitting in my new chair--Saxophone chair--. This chair happens to be in the front row of two. This means that I get first part now. Unfortunately, we've been working on some songs for about two weeks now and this is the first time I've seen my new part. Therefore, I am behind.

This normally wouldn't be a problem. I would practice, get the part, move on. Yet, there is a little snag in my process. Third chair.

**Brief interlude for violent swearing.**

She, almighty saxophonist that she is, has been leaning over next to me to listen. When we get to a hard part she plays very loud and pointedly at me. This, from any other person, would be grudgingly welcomed. Third chair, on the other hand, is decidedly unwelcome to say anthing to me. She is a backstabbing decomposing piece of crap. She stole boyfriend freshmen year. She stole my best friend at the beginning of this year. She is not to be trusted. Most of all, she is not to EVER correct me. I just started playing the part, it's going to take a couple of days for me to get the hang of the new one.

She will not correct me with impunity!! The next time she says something, or does her little lean over and play routine, I'm going to take HER saxophone and beat her over the head with it!

Fine, fine, violence is not a solution to my problems. There will be no beating...Well, maybe I could just get one of those fun noodle floats you put in pools and hit her a couple of times. Just a few times...not even that hard...Fine! No fun noodle either.

The condescension must stop. The only way I can see to end it is to get better than her. This means more practicing. I have a horrible feeling that scales are becoming a habit.

She has already asked me to challenge her so that she can turn me down and be automatically moved down a seat. This is so she can sit next to her boyfriend. Well, I laugh at her and her intentions. I don't plan to challenge her at all. If I challenge anyone it will be second chair! If I have a place in my section it will be earned, not given to me.


Unknown said...

I only play the tenor regularly, although I have been known to play around on the alto. How about you? Exclusively alto?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I paid a pretty hefty price for my Cannonball black nickel tenor. It's pretty much a lifetime commitment for me (as a hobby), although to be honest, I enjoy the piano much more.