Sunday, January 20, 2008

To Not Review


I know that last post was just a giant pile of pettiness and grudge holding, but I am a petty grudge holding jerk. First step to recovery...;)

On a less personal note --not so much of less personal as less "Look at me! I'm a teen who can't let go of things that happened years ago."-- I just finished the Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix. It was good. Go read it.

I'm not going to do a review on it--I can hear your sigh of relief from here-- right now. Haha! Thought you were going to get out of it. Suckers. I don't want to do any reviews for this blog until I get my newspaper book review done. I can't decide what book to do it on. Sigh.

I mean, what is high school paper appropriate? I was going to do The Book of Lost Things, but decided that it was maybe too disturbing for a high school paper. Well, with the heart eating Rumplestiltskin and graphic child decapitating scenes it IS a bit disturbing for young peoples. Then I moved on to The Book Thief. I don't know, I just don't want to do another review on it. --Reason why I'm not doing a review on here: Because then I don't want to do it again for the paper. I might decide to review Garth Nix's books for the paper, therefore you don't get to hear about it.-- Also thought about doing Libba Bray's A Great and Terrible Beauty, but decided that the books were aimed too much at young women. I hate labeling books, so I'm NOT going to call it Chick Lit. I'm sure if some guy could get past his over inflated ego to read it, he has just as much chance as I do at enjoying it. I live in Tennessee. The guys have southernized over inflated egos.

So, what to review? I dunno. I was asking you.