Friday, July 28, 2006

Band Camp

So, I have made it through two whole days of band camp unscathed. (A record, I'm sure) It was a lot different than last year. Well, camp is the same, but it doesn't come with the feeling of complete bewilderment associated with being a freshmen. I got to see all of my friends again, which did wonders for riding me of my recent maudlin thoughts. No one has decided that I'm too annoying, sarcastic, dorky, or perverted to talk to. Forgive me if I'm not suprised. Most of my friends fall in one or more of those categories, and are not likely to leave me for such failings. :D Sorry my good friends. I'm tired, so let me get to the point. Band camp is fun most of the time and my friends are freakin' awesome. Now, I said that I would add something to about my views on things, and i'm tired.. so nothing too speech inspiring Let us contemplate the mystery of the pickle. Where did the pickle come from? and who would think to put something as alnd as a cucumber in a jar of viinegar and make it absolutely delicious. I think that the pickle is a direct result of a failed attemp at world domination. Yes, that's right my rapt audience ( ya'll had better be rapt.... grr..) The pickle was first invented by a communist Czechslavokian nun. ( Yes, this was a bit before that country split up) errr.. have to leave quickly before mom realizes I'm on so late... TBC