Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wow.. I just read over my entire blog. I used to be so good at posting. I quit caring about this stupid blog a while back. Mostly because I was afraid someone would read it and think it was stupid and later taunt me about it while I was at school.... but since I haven't updated in forever I imagine they ( all my friends) have all forgotten about this site and me. Ues, that's right faithful readers ( me) , my once stalwart companions I hardly ever speak to anymore. Thomas and Matthew are a thing of the past. How strange to be writing that. It seems so long ago that they were my friends and life wasn't a hormone laced pool of angst. I have also Fallen out with Meaghan and my boyfriend broke up with me.

So, to start posting on this again I'm going to make a rule. Since anyone reading this doesn't know any of my friends personally, I'm going to refer to them by alias's or the first letter of their names from now on. Right after this next bit. :D

Okay, for all of you curios as to where my Thomas and Matthew friendship went.... Let me fill you in.

Matthew: I still speak to him, but not that often. We have absolutely nothing in common and I have a horrible feeling that we both get on each others nerves. Nothing big really... Just highschool came and we met new people and made other friends.

Thomas: Different matter entirely. I never speak to him and haven't for close to a year now. Miss him a lot, much more than I would ever openly admit to anyone asking. Not for sure why he quit talking to me, but let me mention it wasn't a " We just don't see each other any more" thing. It was a delibrate " I'm not talking to you" thing. There has been much speculating as to the cause for his reluctance to talk to me ( done by me of course) , but no definite conclusion.

Alright, This post was mostly for me. I'll try to be more forth coming with interesting things later. My opinions on world leaders, terroist attacks, cafeteria food, and maybe even cell phones that cause your brain to become a mash patatoe like mush...

Tootles! .... So many people to avoid , so littly hallway.