Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Higgeldy Piggeldy!

I was looking through My Really Crappy Writing when I came across this old poem that reflects my general outlook on the mathematical world. I share it with you now.

"It's All In My Head"

I sat cringing in algebra,
Working strange formulas,
When all of a sudden...
I fell over dead.

A victim of i, an imaginary number.
Something that existed just in head.
Just in my head, just in my head.
Something that existed just in my head.

The math teacher with the mean disposition,
Reprimanded me for my uncouth position.
So the morticians came and took me away.
took me awy to the morgue where I laid.

The studiers came and studied my brain,
They studied my brain until they were almost insane,
But they finally concluded that my brain was polluted,
With roots, squares, and other such things.

--->Sadly I was fourteen when I wrote this. I know. I was already starting on My Really Crappy Writing. *wipes away tear*

Regardless, the point is...that poem made me think of another form of poem, Double Dactyls!

--For some odd reason saying double dactyl makes me want to hum the tune to the new Willy Wonka movie.--

I shall show you step by step how my friend and I composed a Higgeldy Piggeldy about my favorite section...the brass.

How to Write a Higgeldy Piggeldy:

A Higgeldy Piggeldy is a poem follows the rythm --work with me here-- Da du du, da du du. It's eight lines long and follows these general rules.

The first line must be a nonesense word such as, "Higgeldy Piggeldy", "Jiggery Pokery", or "Bibbity Boppity" etc. You can make up your own nonesense words just make sure they follow the Da du du Da du du rule.

My friend and I went with the more commnonly used Higgeldy Piggeldy.

The next line can be whatever your talking about, be it person, place, or thing. Follow the Da du du rule!

Mr.B Denton is, --make note that I have no skill at this and therefore cheated like a monkey playing poker.--

The third line is just whatever is needed.

Constantly having to,

The fourth and eight line must rhyme!

yell at the brass.

Now, the last rule is that the fifth, sixth, or seventh line needs to be composed entirely of a six syllable da du dun word. Cha. Whatever. Words like that are nearly impossible to think of and work into it. I've seen plently HPs that have them, but you try. It's hard!

Some examples of these words are--Megalomaniac and err...I'll put some more down when they come to me. --See, told ya. HARD.--

So, after all of this long hard work I finally give you the finished project that my friend and I spent several long periods on last year.

-If your offended by the word ass then read no further. *chortles to herself*--

Higgeldy Piggeldy,
Mr B Denton is,
Constantly having to,
Yell at the brass.

Horrible section of,
Underachievers they,
Always rush Breadfan*,
And love to suck ass.

*Breadfan is a song that you can find by the artists Budgie and Metallica. We play during our marching band and it's one of our faster pieces. Mostly because the trumpets are ridiculous *coughs* Awful crappy players *coughs* and rush it a good deal.