Sunday, December 30, 2007


I have written ( or typed if you want to get picky) 89 posts on this dilapidated blog of mine. Frighteningly few of them have adressed any books. This is oddly surprising to me considering that my life revolves around reading. How could I not have at least ranted about the injustice that is living in a small town sans bookstore? (We'll save that for another time.)

Now, where to start? First off, I don't have a FAVORITE book. Books are so different and varied it's impossible to say firmly, " This is MY favorite!" The closest you can come to it ( Fine, the closest I can come to it.) is to say, "These are the books that I read over and over."

Books like Spindle's End by Robin McKinley or Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. Yeah, I'm a big fantasy nut.

Books that I don't care for range from macho guy novels to Douglas Adams books. ( Exception of Hitchkiker's Guide)