Sunday, December 30, 2007

Feeling Some Paragraphs...

Okay, I've been trying for the past week to get my posts to actually hold paragraphs, but they refuse. Why is this?! If I put them in paragraphs and then click preview on the posty thing it shows my paragraphs, but then when I actually post it...Nada. This is really annoying. I don't like reading large uninteresting blocks of text. I can't stand to read my own blog due to my utter lack of computer-y skillz.

Thought about trying to fix it by much fiddling of settings etc, but the last time I did that it murdered my blog. New Plan: Wait it out. The computer doesn't have my human'll fold eventually.


Ah ha!! Fixed it.

Tamora Pierce likes to...rock?!

According to what seems to be a legitimate Tamora Pierce website ( It's rather terribly done in typical author fashion. XD), Ms. Pierce has a fondness for...Marilyn Manson. Yes, quite odd. I like Tamora Pierce. I like Marilyn Manson. Yet, I've never had the hankering to read a good ole fantasy book to the accompaniement of loud screamy music. --> I say again, " I DO like Marilyn Manson, but I realize that his music is loud and screamy. There's nothing wrong with a bit of loud and screamy."

To quote the page exactly:

As always, since I have gotten my iPod Podkayne, I have wondered far and wee over the world's musical scene. As a result, I have found some truly interesting things:

"Tainted Love" as covered by Marilyn Manson (rock)

Okay fine, it wasn't an exact quote. I just didn't want to take up an enormous amount of space listing what songs she found interesting. :D But everything else is correct.

So, one of my favorite authors meets one of my favorite musicians. ( Well, not meet exactly, but you know what I mean.) This is cool. Yet, for all of it's coolness I'm still having problems meshing 54 year old fantasy author with our favorite shock rocker. ( Note: Doesn't completely agree with shock rocker label) 'Til later then.


I have written ( or typed if you want to get picky) 89 posts on this dilapidated blog of mine. Frighteningly few of them have adressed any books. This is oddly surprising to me considering that my life revolves around reading. How could I not have at least ranted about the injustice that is living in a small town sans bookstore? (We'll save that for another time.)

Now, where to start? First off, I don't have a FAVORITE book. Books are so different and varied it's impossible to say firmly, " This is MY favorite!" The closest you can come to it ( Fine, the closest I can come to it.) is to say, "These are the books that I read over and over."

Books like Spindle's End by Robin McKinley or Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. Yeah, I'm a big fantasy nut.

Books that I don't care for range from macho guy novels to Douglas Adams books. ( Exception of Hitchkiker's Guide)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Mmm! I love my tea thick.

I'm the only one in my family that drinks hot tea in my family. They drink tea, just not hot. Actually, I would say that my house goes through at least three gallons of tea a day. The concept of water has yet to be introduced.

Now, I like my tea, but I like it in tea bags. I've never tried loose leaf tea and don't plan to until I take time to go buy a tea pot,strainer, and a nice set of china! Then I'll invite of Mary Sue and Diane for some nice biscuits and....right. I'm usually in a hurry and throw a bag in a mug and then pour some water over it right as I walk out the door. Sure, my tea would probably taste a million times better if I took out time to properly fix it complete with strainer and pot, but I do not. I'm sure every loyal tea drinker out there cringes at my caloussness concerning there prefered beverage.

All of this is getting to a story that happened two years back. Look with me into the past...

My friend and I had been pointlessy surfing the web and chatting about many a pointless subject when I came upon a slightly shifty looking page about divination. Of course the curiosity of my fantasy based mind was instantly piqued. Anything involving divination brought up fond memories of a certain Prof. Trelawney. I find that the site is really just a list of symbols and their meanings with directions to make tea, drain it, and then look at the leaves.

I IMd my friend and we immediately complied with said directions! Oh wonder of wonders, we were going to start a business of tea leaf reading. (Possibly with nice china and biscuits...) Unfortunately, I had no loose leaf tea. Just some nice Lady Grey tea bags. Oh Well. I ripped one of them open, dumped it into a mug, and then sloshed some water over it. My friend on the other side of the internet did the same. We waited the required brewing time of 3-5 minutes and then proceeded to down our dreggy brews. Absolutly disgusting. In waiting our 4 minutes we failed to take into account the time it would take to drink it. So by the time we got half way through the cup the taste could safely be compared to a fragrant varnish. By about the 2/3 mark it was getting nice and thick with our incy wincy tea bag particles. Mmmm.

Finally, the cup was finished. I looked deep into the cup and realized all of my effort was for naught. First of all, tea bits do not lay the same as tea leaves. Second problem, most of the dregs had been swallowed due to their small nature.

What moral was learned from this? What lesson was learned? Well, it turnes out that loose leaf tea is probably superior due to the plain fact that it's actually made of leafs. Tea bags contain small bits of leafs that have probably fallen onto the tea factory floor and then been swept up. Disgusting.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Aggresive Religion--What bullying can do for you!!

Yes, I'm back. Sometimes it's just nice to complain to something that might listen. My unresponsive mirror has became increasingly less satisfying. I have never asserted my religious views on this blog. Mostly because I"m so confused that I don't even know myself, but that's not what I'm here to do. I would just like to say that everyone has a right to believe in what they so choose. Be it faith in the unreliability in the post or in the omniscience of God, it is their right of being human to believe what they will. So why must people be constantly forcing their beliefs on others? I can understand these traveling religious types who knock on your door, say hi, and then scat, but some people...I mean, when your at school and someone starts attacking atheism or Buddhism just because it isn't Christianity. Well, just keep that up bucko! Your dissing their religion and trying to foist your own on them by way of insult is going to work smashingly. I don't want to sound like some uber teen with angsty ramblings about the expectations of my peers/family/community so I shall stop before I ramble myself into a giant vortex of text based rage!!

Just let me say this. If you believe in it then it is real. There is no one right religion. No one is wrong in their beliefs if they truly believe. The only way you can be wrong in a religon is if your play acting your part.