Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Yay!! Only a little while 'till the official beginning of SPRING!! I like winter alright, but It's just so deppressing. ANyhow, this time Friday I'll be all the way in Washington DC!!

Sunday, March 13, 2005


What are some sure signs that you are bored? You are looking at your daily horoscope. You are counting the number of buttons on your shirt. You are trying to figure out how the crap the lighbulb was created. You are highlighting your dog's hair. You are doing homework. You are writing /reading on a blog. : D


What are some sure signs that you are bored? You are looking at your daily horoscope. You are counting the number of buttons on your shirt. You are trying to figure out how the crap the lighbulb was created. You are highlighting your dog's hair. You are doing homework. You are writing on a blog. : D

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Six Days

Only six days until the Washington trip!! I'm taking a break from trying to figure out what I am going to bring with me. Mom says that she isn't going to bring me to Chatt. so I can't get a bunch of crap that I was wanting to bring. Like some Night Before Christmas PJ's. Everyone needs red and black night clothes. But no, she feels a need to deprive me of important junk. I was going to get book number three of the Noble Dead series, but since we're not going to Chatt...................... What am I going to do during the 12 hour drive up there and the twelve hour drive back? I'm going to sit there and wonder why I chose to come when I could have been at home reading a newly bought book. Anyhow, I'll figure out a way to get it before Friday. I'll break my arm or something so I can go to the Doctors. Which is right by Books-A- Million. See, I want have to sit there wondering what the crap I'm doing!! I should be doing my report which only has to be 500 words long, but can only have 1 web site in it's reference. Oh Well, Tootles!!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Blood of a Friend

And On

Eight days 'till the trip!!! and I get to try out (again) tomorrow. * cries* Oh Well. Nothin' much is new besides being unexplainably bored. Life must go on!! ....and on......and on..............and on......and on......and on .....and on........and on.........and on.......and on.......and on.......and on......and on......and on......and on....and on......Anyhow, you get my point. Tootles~!!

Friday, March 04, 2005

The Trip

'Sup, to take a good introduction from Charles Dickens: " It was the best of times. It was the worst of times" Actually I've never read The Tale of Two Cities. I tried to read it last year, but was bored out of my mind and didn't understand what the heck was going on. I have since read quite a few books on the French Revolution and have also studied it in History class. So I'm thinking about trying it again. Anyhow, I got the list of people that are going to be on my bus today. Just in case someone is wondering " What bus?" I'm referring to the bus that I will be riding to Washington D.C. I get to be with my best friend Kelcie, but Holly has been put on bus 1 where as I'm on bus 3........* sobs* I have to entertain people with decent conversation for about twelve hours. If Holly was on the bus I wouldn't have to stick to decent. What about the chaperones and other adults? You say. Well, Holly and I have our own little gestures that no one understands ( except a few of them that are beyond obvious understanding) , but no I'm all alone!! Although I do have Kelcie : D She is the coolest. We were in second period today ( Algebra class) and we were talking about which bus we were going to be on. I said something about thank goodness our transport wasn't inhabited by the horrific breed of creatures also known as our teachers. ( OK, that's not exactly what I said, but it sounds better that way. Don't you think?) I whispered because we sit right in front of the teacher's desk, but she had to go and start yelling " Alright! Thank gosh Griswold, the Algebra teacher, isn't on our bus.* sighs* No wonder I got an eighty eight this six weeks. Matthew is also on our bus, but I can't sit with him it has to be two girls or boys to a seat. I'm going to go watch Resident Evil now. It is such a cool movie!! So many people to annihilate so little time to do it in. Tootles!!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hi all, I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy doing nothing. You'd be amazed at how time consuming doing nothing is . I just finished reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte ( or is it Emily) I have also read wuthering heights this week. Jane Eyre was more......... Joyful? Both of them were very good , but I thought Wuthering Heights was a bit hard to follow. I think I'll read Jane Eyre again it was really good. I haven't made it to Chattanooga to buy the next Noble Dead book yet( argh) , but hope to soon. Just a few more days until the Eighth grade gets to go to Washington D.C. for five days. I get to spend a whole.... Freakin.... Week with all of them. * cries* Why?! Not that I dislike any of them, but there is only so much that you can stand. Plus Griswold ( A.K.A. The teacher whose class I got a B in) is going so that will make the trip ever so ... What's another word for crappy? Well, whatever the word you were thinking put it there. Now, I'm done complaining about the school people...... ( for the moment :D) I haven't seen my little Cuz's for a while so my life has been desolate and lonely. No one to bake sugar cookies for. I think I'll bake some anyway and feed them to strange children I see walking down the street. Haha, Like anyone is ever on our " Street" They'll get hit by a roaming cow or something. I wore a green sweater last week to shun the idea that I'm a Goth and decided that I'd rather be a Goth than wear green. It's really not my color. Any plans I have for world domination have been futile. Though the cafeteria workers have progressed very far in their attempts. Today they feed us green eggs and ham......... Died green eggs..... That you could use as a substitute for a rubber ball. * winces* Yum. Band is fun. Hannah challenged me last week, but has a cold this week so we're putting it off for while. II hope I win, but she is really good. She'll make a good first chair....... Next Year!!!!! Anyhow, in all of my business of doing nothing my room has become the refuge for several piles of clutter under which I think I saw something resembling a large species of dust Cows . No, I'm not mistaken. It was not your so called friendly bunnies. I must leave, but I have remembered to put up the site to the Noble Dead thingy. Tootles!!