Friday, December 10, 2004


So, It's Friday. Sometimes I just despise Fridays. Why? You ask. Well, you see Fridays is when my , ever so favorite, teacher Mr. Griswold chooses to give us tests on stuff we don't know how to do. We're actually supposed to know how to do it, but I'm am totally and completely clueless as how to find the perpendicular equation for the coordinate of the mid point (1,2). It's quite sad really. * sighs* I'm eventually going to have to learn it because I refuse to have to retake Algebra one when I get to highschool.That would mean that my whole eighth grade year of Math was absolutely pointless. Today Holly and me convinced a seventh grader that we were sisters!!! I know. We have nothing better to do besides confuse lesser beings than ourselves.( Is what we have always referred the grade below us as. Not that I'm looking down at seventh graders. Just the current seventh graders of my school.) It would not of worked , but we Got Mr. C , the band director, to say that we were. He's the coolest. I sent Holly the Library of Classic Vampire Literature and she is reading The Feast of Blood ( Also known as Varney the Vampire) and she says that it is really good. I guess I'll have to read it. It is at the moment 11: 58 P.M. just thought I would let you know since my blog is set up where it doesn't show the time. I'm waiting for my little cousins to fall asleep so I can turn off the movie that they are watching. They look ridiculous. I , being the best cousin ever, Pulled out all of my makeup( plus a little of my mom's) and had them dressed up as gypsies. I got eyeliner and gave them mustaches and a goatee thing . Yay!!! Movie is finally over and the little hooligans are asleep. SO I guessI better go to bed. * waves* .................Tootles.