Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Tea leaves

O.K. SO me and my friend Cassie are big HP fans right? Well we decided to do the tea leaf thing......The tea tast unusualy Nasty... * gags* I just finished mine. It has a spotty cloud, a heart , and a dagger. So one of my trusted friends , who I love, is going to cause a threat to my life and have problems doing so.....Lol!!! This is quite funny to try. Here's the site. Tootles!!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Tales From the Dark Tower

Hi! Yesterday I had to spend all day going to different peoples houses to see people( that I'm not sure how I'm related to.) Anyway, While I was at my Pappow's I was talkin' to my step cuz Nicole and she says that Tales from the DArk Tower is a really good book except it's a Manga. ( She's into all that Anime junk) Well, the book had really cool vampire pics and junk so I thought I'd share the site. She also said Helsing was a good Manga ( Also has cool pics.) But I don't have the site yet. Tootles

Friday, December 24, 2004

Christmas Eve

Yay! Christmas Eve! Can't wait till mornin'. Of course I get up at about 12 or 1 to open my presents. My trick: Drink lots of water so you need to pee in the middle f the night. :D Sounds strange, but it works. Anyhow, Merry Christmas and all that junk!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Harry Potter

Guess What!! I'm sure most of you ( that read Harry Potter) already know this, but for those of you that don't ..... Harry Potter and the halfblood Prince comes out July 16!! Yay! I am so totaly tired of waiting. I read the first one when I was in third grade. So the books are sorta getting slowly under my grade level. I was at books-a-million at 12 A.M. when the last book came out. I reall didn't think The Order of the Phoenix was very good compared with the other HP books . Oh well, I must be off. Things to do chores to avoid.

Monday, December 20, 2004


I was .....not cheating... on some X-tra credit Mrs.Tilley gave us one day. She always gives us a crossword and sh gave my period do it a day earlier and gave us the next day because we got half our notes down and the projector broke down and there was the sight with the answers down at the bottom. Jsut thaought I'd share. Tootles!!!

Monday and No School!

Yep that's right. I actually wasn't up at 4:45 this morning trying to get my algebra done at the last minute. : D Though all I did was clean today. Which I only did when supervised. I had a book hidden under the sink. The only activity I have to keep me busy is the barn. I would play in my tree house, but It's still at my old house and Daddy refuses to help Mom and me move it.WE would move it ourselves but it's too big. I haven't the least clue what the square footage is. I guess it's probably 11 x 8. All four sides are connected to a tree and we have plastic windows and a door ( my last tree house was just a wooden platform.). THe coolest thing is that the roof is fiberglass tin stuff so that light can get through. You really can't see anything out of it 'cause it's blurry, but you can prety much see stuff. You can see colors and stars and stuff you just can't make out the definite edges. Anyhow, since I don't have my Treehouse I decided to make my own little place in the barn loft. Hehehe. Dad is gonna have a cow when he sees it. I've got a chair , a love seat and a bean bag up there . The reason he hasn't seen it yet is becaus eI piled all the hay around it to keep off the wind. My wind barrier also doubles as a way to keep my loft room secret. Tootles!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Christmas Break!!!

Yay!!!! Finally time for two weeks off. Just one more day of school and it's not even a full day.I haven't posted since Monday when I forgot to mention that I had to do a concert the next day. Well, I love concerts in band. Yet I really despise chorus. Why did I join? Because Holly did and that way I'd have someone to talk to doings lunch period. ( chorus joins together in our o' so fun meetings during our lunch. So we have about ten minutes to eat.) Anyhow, not for sure what I'll do without seeing my friends for a whole week.... Yes I do. Reminisce I don't have to do Algebra for two whole weeks. Hehe gtg. Stil go tSChool in the mornin'. Tootles!!!!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Computer Class

I'm sittong here in after school computer class waiting on Matt and Thomas to get here. I don't think they're coming. I just can't turn my back on them for two seconds to talk to anna and now they're gon. * scowls* If they don't come back I'm going to be mad forever. Why? Because the only other person in here is a seventh grader.Oh Well, Tat Math test I as talking about. The one I didn't have a clue how to do. WEll, I don't think I did so swell on it. Althouh I'm bound to get at least 1 out of 5 right. gtg they're here

Caomputer Class 3

It wouldn't be so bad sitting in here, but Matthew is a Physco Path. Hi Matthew!!1 F.Y.I. your mental condition has been noted.


* Blinks* Still here.

Computer Class 2

Still here. Don't get to leave for another 13 minutes or so. Not that i don't like computer class. I just have better things to do. Like Homework. * sighs* I'm lying. i nevr do my homework. : D Anyhow, I was going to post on my Xanga, but the schol parental controls won't let me. 8 scowls8 I hate the school computer systems!!!! Oh Well. only 12 minutes left.

Saturday, December 11, 2004


I just got a XAnga acount. I don't know why though. I hardly ever post on my Blogger acount. Oh Well, I huess that's what you get from being unnaturally bored.

Friday, December 10, 2004


So, It's Friday. Sometimes I just despise Fridays. Why? You ask. Well, you see Fridays is when my , ever so favorite, teacher Mr. Griswold chooses to give us tests on stuff we don't know how to do. We're actually supposed to know how to do it, but I'm am totally and completely clueless as how to find the perpendicular equation for the coordinate of the mid point (1,2). It's quite sad really. * sighs* I'm eventually going to have to learn it because I refuse to have to retake Algebra one when I get to highschool.That would mean that my whole eighth grade year of Math was absolutely pointless. Today Holly and me convinced a seventh grader that we were sisters!!! I know. We have nothing better to do besides confuse lesser beings than ourselves.( Is what we have always referred the grade below us as. Not that I'm looking down at seventh graders. Just the current seventh graders of my school.) It would not of worked , but we Got Mr. C , the band director, to say that we were. He's the coolest. I sent Holly the Library of Classic Vampire Literature and she is reading The Feast of Blood ( Also known as Varney the Vampire) and she says that it is really good. I guess I'll have to read it. It is at the moment 11: 58 P.M. just thought I would let you know since my blog is set up where it doesn't show the time. I'm waiting for my little cousins to fall asleep so I can turn off the movie that they are watching. They look ridiculous. I , being the best cousin ever, Pulled out all of my makeup( plus a little of my mom's) and had them dressed up as gypsies. I got eyeliner and gave them mustaches and a goatee thing . Yay!!! Movie is finally over and the little hooligans are asleep. SO I guessI better go to bed. * waves* .................Tootles.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Day Off

Sorry that I haven't wrote in a while. I've been grounded from the computer for about two weeks. Anyway, got out of school today at 12:30. Usually doesn't happen. My theorie is that our superintendent used to be a mail man. Come rain, shine, sleet or snow we'll be there. Anyway my current reading has diminished down to the findings of the school library. Which isn't bad or anything, but Ms. Lacey likes historical factual books. Ms. Lacey is our librarian. So that means we have a lot of books full of facts. Though there is quite a quantity of my more favorites: Historical fiction, and Fantasy. Been sort of bored lately. I hate being bored. A bored person is a boing person. So I made my cuz Kelly help me build a fort out of the hay in the barn loft. I'l have to go move it in a minute. I moved it to close to the edge so when it rains again it will probably get wet. If I didn't mention it in my previous post( I don't feel like checking) Sunshine by. Robin McKinley was pretty good. Here is a cool site with some vampire stories on it. Thoug h I haven't looked at the whole sit and don't know if the rest of it is rated G. Just thought I'd give you a fair warning. Tootles!!!

Friday, December 03, 2004

Rani Trader has been through a lot. After being implicated in the murder of the beloved Prince Tuvashanoran, her guild was destroyed and she was forced to run, traveling through the castes, changing name, until she was finally found innocent by the boy prince: Halaravilli. The Society of the Serpent was destroyed, but Rani was left with nothing. Her family was dead her guildsmen were scattered. Two years passed, and King Halaravilli promised her that he would help her reform her beloved guild. But then she and her king fall victim to a ruthless betrayal, and Rani is spirited off to a foreign land. There she is faced with the horror of a kingdom destroyed by civil war. A kingdom reduced to employing armies of children...
I think the book is really good. although you might want to read the Glasswright's Apprentice first. I tried looking up some sites on the books, but I only got 33 hits on MSN. The people who wrote the reviews do not seem to like it. It's sort of Hhinduism'ish with casts and junk, but that just makes it more interesting.


Just got back from Kelcie's house. Kelcie (if I haven't mentioned her) is one of my friends.So she had her B-day party and we all like walked around to different people's houses. Was quite fun. Anyhow, Christmas parade tomorrow. Yay!!! I love parades. I get to march in really cold weather and wear an outfit that makes me look like some kind of color blind pirate, but I like it anyway.Maching that is, not the outfit. : D I finished all the books I bought. All of them are really good I might mention. Can't wait to get the third book for the Glasswright's series. Tootles