Saturday, November 27, 2004


Yay!!! Just got three new books. I hardly ever get new books since Books-a-Million is in Chattanooga.( An hour and a half or so away) As I wrote earlier I usually get to go on the occasion someone is sick. So I broke my toe. :D aren't I smart?! OK I didn't mean to, but it worked out just as well. Anyway, I bought Sunshine by. Robin McKinley( The book I've been wanting forever and an age), Dracula By. Bram Stocker, and The Glasswright's Progress By. Mindy L. Klasky. The picture on the cover of Dracula is a bit morbid and useless though. It shows Castle Dracula on a hill and below it are pikes with silhouettes of a bunch of people that have been impaled. I've almost finished reading it and I can't ,for the life of me, figure out why they would put a picture of Impaled people on there.
Their isn't ,as far as I've read, been anyone impaled and since I only have about five chapters to go there isn't really any time for Dracula to be throwing any one off a balconys and junk. He's much to busy hiding from his hunters. If he starts impaling peolple any time soon their must be a very strange twist at the end. Well I must be off to finish reading. Tootles


Mischa said...

Hey, you have a cool blog here =) What is "The Glasswright's Progress" about? Never heard of that before. Also, To Kill a Mockingbird is a damn good book and strangely enough, unlike a lot of book/movie adaptations, the screen version's really good too =)

Matthew said...

I'd like to know what The Glasswright's Progress is about too. How come you didn't tell me about that one at school? It sounds good.

Matthew said...
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Aurora said...

I just wanted to post the fact that" No one was impaled in the book" SO Why would they put the picture there? Well, I guess because of the fact that Dracula may or may not be( I've heard that he isn't on a bunch of sites and on the rest that he is)Vad the Impaler. The name sort of gives away the fact that yes he did impale people. Vlad's Father's name was dracul or something so I guess all of this nonsense I'm writing has brought us to the conclusion: The picture makes no sense what-so-ever. Oh Well, Just thought I'd let you know.