Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I found this really cool site on how to make a bunch of completely useless stuff. Seeing how interested I am in useless stuff though this was quite fortunate. I've been working on a bow for about a week now. ( one you shoot. Not tie) The progress of it is about to kill me. I had to cut down a sapling first and then split it so it could be pulled back, but I kept cutting down trees with big hollow spots in them and you don't find out that the spots are there until you've started splitting them. Which is harder than you think. So I'm on my fourth piece of wood.After I'm done with the tillering , splitting and junk, I have to let it sit out for about a month to dry, While I'm waiting for it to dry I'm going to make arrows for it out of wooden dowels. All this is isn't necessary because I already have a bow and about 10 or so arrows. I'm sure I could do something more useful with my time. Like study algebra or practice my saxophone........Like I'd really do something like that:D
While I'm typing I'll mention( just for all my thirteen year old friends) I get to vote in th next election. Yay! Yep I'm fourteen and they rest of my friends aren't. I hardly ever get one up on them. So Ha. Don't fret though I'm not so pathetic that my age is my only advantage. I'm ever so quick witted ;) Tootles .