Thursday, October 14, 2010

Clubhouse Makes The Heart Grow Fonder!

I have my own apartment. It is an apartment made for collegiate children recently divested of their homes. So, it has one large living/bed room, one bathroom, and a kind of hallway that is also a kitchen. The dreaded studio apartment. What's worse, my carpet looks like this*:

Is it grey? Is it blue? I don't know! But there is a far more straight forward question I can answer. Is that a yellow Curious George alarm clock in my nightstand? Yes. Yes, it is.

So, I have striven in vain to make it a stylish apartment. I have fruitlessly tried to make it look color coordinated! It's mostly a mash up of furniture and decor. I've found on sale with a bookshelf and my junk. This might make some bitter. The sad lack of funds to really live up your small apartment...

But (aha!) not I! It's a third story apartment referred to as King's Towers. This fact inspired me to view my living space not as an apartment...but as a club house! And it may make a rather uninspired first one, it is a freaking awesome latter! Heck yes! The little rascals got nothin' on me.

*Those are my pants in my floor that I, pathetically, am too lazy to get out of my chair and move. Not denim fungus in its progressive stage.


robin.c.s. said...

Baller points on the Curious George alarm clock.

Take another ten baller points for the denim fungus in its progressive stage.

And don't feel too bad -- every college kid's apartment looks, well, like a college kid's apartment. It'll continue to look that way for about five years after graduation.