Thursday, August 20, 2009

Last Week

Well. The past month has been...full. I'm constantly queasy, have raging stress acne, and have put on around six pounds. (Explain to me how I'm queasy and still eat more than usual, please.)

I've put myself tens of thousands of dollars in debt. (I hope. I've been running around a terribly organized university website trying to make sure I have this money, because of I don't...I can not go.) I'm still working on figuring out how I'm going to pay for things. It's...This sucks.

I found out that the dorms were full due to an overflow of girls and that I would get to live in a medicore hotel off the interstate. To avoid possible death, and feeling of hotel disgustingnesse I have found and rented a studio apartment. (Which will be cheaper than a dorm, and has a kitchen and bathroom. That's a winner.) I've just got to make sure I have everything I need.

Bed (Comforter, sheet sets.)

Furniture (One recliner aged 19 years, one table, two chairs that mostly match, and a night stand.)

Living stuff, which includes shampoo and the like.

I still haven't bought my books. I'm searching desperately to find out which ones I actually need. Also everything else needing for general learning.

This includes Math skillz long abandoned. The last math class I took was sophomore year. I'm so dead. Dead like a kid who is going to fail college Algebra. I don't even remember how to FOIL. (And no, not the type of foil you associate with arch nemises or grills.)

I'm very much in a state of great anxiety. But, you may go back and read the above in both an optimistic and deranged-I'm-going-to-explode-voice. I'm feeling them in both ways. I'm mostly stressed over making sure I'm recieving those student loans.

I'm very bipolar as of late. I apologize, everyone who must endure me. Including small animals and passerbys distrubed by my muttering.


robin.c.s. said...

Oh boy, have I been there. (In point of fact, I'm still there.) It's stressful, but thankfully it's one of those stresses that's ultimately rewarding--if you live to see the rewards, anyhow. :p

The good news is, if you move into the apartment and you find you still need something, you can still get it. Actually, I can almost guarantee that you won't know all of what you need until you've moved in and have lived there anywhere between a few days to a few weeks.

Also, I'm jealous. Having your own apartment is pretty nice. Do you have any roommates?

As for the math... may God have mercy on your soul. (Math is the language of Satan.)

Aurora said...

Thanks, you're completely right by the way. Now that I'm here I've figured out most of what I need and have gotten it or learned to live without.

I have no roommates, just one other person on my floor, who (via hearing through the wall) has a pronounced southern accent, a shrill voiced lady friend, and listens to the tv blasting. I will have vengence.

And I made sure to take enough hour that I can drop Math if worse comes to worse. I have a plan! :)