Sunday, November 23, 2008


We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

-From T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men"

I hate to watch this blog spiral hopelessly into an angsty abyss of teenage ramblings, but there it is. So it goes, yes?

I feel so empty and hollow most of the time. I'm sure it's just an accumulation of stress and bad happenings. Yet, I can't seem to get out of this hole I'm in. A giant crappy hole of CRAP. Yes, I did just type that.*

On the bright side, this is my senior year. I have my college picked out, TTU here I come! I'll get to live in a dorm away from home next year, and though I love my family, I desperately need some space. My boyfriend goes there, so I can see him more than two days a week. (Thank God.)

So, hopefully I'll be on here in the next week saying, "SCREW ELIOT!" (No offense, T.S.)

So, I leave you with some Sandburg.


Two bubbles found they had rainbows on their curves.
They flickered out saying:
"It was worth being a bubble just to have held that rainbow thirty seconds."

Is this brief life we have worth living? Just for our thirty seconds of rainbow and joy?

*My brain has become increasingly lethargic. Obviously, if it was working correctly then the phrase, "Crappy hole of CRAP" would not be in existence.


robin.c.s. said...

I am reminded of a peppy little Robert Frost quote, that goes, "Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length."

Perhaps, even though they are only thirty-second rainbows, THEY'RE GIANT MUTANT RAINBOWS!

(Or something to that effect.)

Seems like you've got a pretty good color cast to make up a rainbow: accepted into your choice school (congrats, by the by!), going away to college (total blast), being near the significant other, getting a chance to experience new things and meet new people and philosophize about bubbles like there's no tomorrow!

I think, in some respects, our ability to look forward to the future is its own kind of rainbow. Enjoy the speculation. It's half the fun.

Hope you prove that Eliot bastard wrong. :D