Monday, October 13, 2008


So, senior year is here, yes? The overwhelming weight of decisions is crashing down on me, which college? What career? With what money?? My brother is all for joining the Air Force. My mom's starting to get pre-empty nest syndrome...So all goes, in the land of Me and Melancholy.

Just pessmistic in the extreme right now. It also feels like the REAL world is pressing down on my conscience. By REAL I mean, the reality of everything that is out there. That there are more bad people than good. That there is more sinning than any good deeds. All of this is being pounded into my head by my mother, my head feels much like a mortar and The Mother has the pestle.

If there is so many bad things what is there to live for? To strive for? Will all of my endeavors to make life better for someone not be shot down?

I hope not. Thankfully, I have a firm belief in the unrealistic. Because Unreality is where you will find all of life's happy endings. I know too, that people who walk between the worlds of Reality and Unreality, find the barrier thin. Some people can even pull things through it. I can only hope to join their ranks.


robin.c.s. said...

Hey, here's a question your philosophy group could consider -- what the hell does "reality" even mean? And why does the accepted reality have to be OUR reality if it's something we reject as real?

Just a thought that came to mind. :-) Not entirely clear on whether I agree with the latter part or not, but it would certainly spawn an interesting debate, I think.

As someone who's been there and gone through it? DON'T let it get you down. The stress is, unfortunately, unavoidable if going to college is something you want to do. But take a break from it every now and then -- go vegetate in front of bad television, read a book, hang with a friend -- and try not to let your mind exaggerate the enormity of it. Ultimately, insofar as getting a job, it's not going to matter terribly which university or college you go to as long as you have the degree. And as far as your own personal satisfaction in your choice? It'd be hard to screw that up. As long as you take your time and investigate, it should all work out fine.

I love my school -- there are parts I dislike, and I've had my "what if" moments, but the fact is, it would have been the same at any other school I might've chosen. There'll be things to like, and things to dislike. There'll be moments when you wonder "what if", simply because you are human, and that's the nature of humanity. But the college experience is what you make of it, honestly. I don't always buy that line when it's applied to life, but to college? Totally true. (And hey, avoiding the real world? That's what graduate school was invented for.)

Life, to me, is one of those things you can't over-think, because if you did you'd implode. Take it a day at a time. Enjoy what you can, try to deal with what you can't. Don't let the mistakes bother you too much because, if nothing else, you'll be sure not to do them again in the future (I've had to tell myself this one several times since I've been abroad). Let the good times keep you floating when the dark times threaten to drag you under.

(Oh, my gosh... so many truisms. It's disgusting. I should write for Hallmark.)

I personally think that you're more intelligent and good-humored than many who are twice your age -- definitely more than a lot of the adults I've encountered in my life. I think you'll figure a way around, whatever comes.