Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bring Back The Code

Why have all the people gone and left behind monsters in their stead? Because surely man would not lead a life of this sort? This sad and depraved existence where trust is idiocy and loyalty a pipe dream.

Where are the brotherhoods? The convents and cults? Even these things were held together by tradition. Now all that's left is new. New. Is that so good? This new thing that blows all tradition to the wind, leaving humanity without anything to ground themselves. When do we know where to begin? When?!

Bring back codes of chivalry and oaths of honor, because these things are noble. What the world needs...What *I* neeed is just a little hope that there are higher values and noble ideals left. Just a little hope.


robin.c.s. said...

I guess the question is, just because people stop believing in honor and kindness and truth, does that necessarily mean that they no longer exist, or that they are no longer true? Are these things only kept alive through human action, or is there perhaps a greater source of these ideals that we just tap into with our belief?

(An honest question, by the way, because I'm not entirely sure of my own thoughts on the matter.)

Take heart, my dear. You're not alone in your longing for a glimmer of nobility in the world. And I think when people genuinely yearn for something, action, change is bound to follow. It all depends on how badly it's wanted.

That Hank said...

You have to look at the subcultures and street level societies for that kind of thing. Society as a whole is too large to be worth investing any sort of loyalty and brotherhood in it.