Tuesday, September 09, 2008

So it goes.

So, about all that philosophy club stuff I've been working on.(Which I don't think I ever mentioned. Think lots of reading caused sleep deprivation.) Yeah, pretty much worth *toilet flushing sound here* So it goes.

The problem is, it's high school. There aren't many kids with a large grasp of philosophical concepts, me included. The ones that do are usually introverts lurking in the corners. Bunch of freaking late bloomers! Why weren't you at Philosophy Club?!!

Problem number two is, how do you approach it? Do you go in there full-on teachy mode and lecture about it? Ugh. Discuss it in true Socratic method? Yay! but see problem one.

Then there's the problem of 'What to discuss?'. We have a couple of people jumping at, 'What's the meaning of life?' Which truly...Is there a *worse* topic? Then you have the bozos asking stoner questions, "If the door is closed on a room, and no one is in the room...Is the room still there?!"*

It's going to work. I just didn't realize there were quite so many details.

*Thanks to Mr.F for that one.


robin.c.s. said...

Man. I should give you my philosophy professor's e-mail address. His mind is an endless stream of philosophical discussion. Probably with himself. :D

There's loads you could talk about, if you think about it. I mean, philosophy (at least to me) is about life. It's concerned with the stuff of humanity -- what it means to be alive. Heck, you could even talk about what people think philosophy even is, and why humans all across the world and all throughout history have found it so important. What's the point of philosophy and why does it matter?

You could start up a conversation about language (much like the brief one we had). You could talk about social philosophy. You could talk about the philosophy of play, even, or imagination (sounds weird, I know, but I totally did have that conversation with my professor -- it was cool).

Anyway. Just trying to help you brainstorm (rather obnoxiously). Hope it all works out for you, because it sounds like it could really be a blast.

(And hey, don't totally give up on the stoner question -- you could turn it into a discussion on perception and the reliability of the human senses. Yes? Right? Okay, I'm shutting up now.)

Anonymous said...


Aurora said...

Ha! Robin, you crack me up. In a good, Wow, she's a thinker, kind of way.

Our first discussion was about what do you define philsophy as. And I know there is a LOT, but man, it's hard to discuss things when everyone refuses to participate.

Like I said, high school philosophers=introverts.

But you're brainstorming has inspired me to greater heights! It'll be alright once we get rolling. I'm just stressed out over stressing over it. xD