Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Set Ye Cursed Sun!

Indeed. I am ready for the sun to fully set on the Twilight books. No I haven't read them, but I keep seeing messages from it's little fan-clubs (which seem to be shrill little emo girls.) that go like this, " Harry Potter sucks, Twilight is better."

Oh. Oh no, you didn't!

That's right, my friends, those you-know-whats insulted MY books and then think they can get away with it!


But really. Come on, does insulting some other series get your point across annoying fan-girls of lame-ness? I shall go forth (maybe) and read these books if I get the free time. Just so I can give people the thumbs up or down when they ask about it. I judge not the series yet. Just the fans of the series. xD Sorry, innocent bystanders.


robin.c.s. said...

You're far more forgiving than I am -- I don't think I'll EVER read Twilight. xD Read it and give those fangirls the satisfaction? Feh. I don't think so.

Well, that, and I'm always a little skeptical whenever a book involves Vampire legend. It's SO overdone, and SO easy to screw up. I just like to avoid the mess altogether than wade through mountains of sod to find the gold nuggets. If you DO end up reading the series, you should review it on the Shelf -- give everyone the heads up on it.

(Don't worry, you can sick Alan Rickman on 'em... he'll defend your books.)