Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Campaign Crap

Anyone else tired of seeing Obama and H. Clinton's face? That's what I thought.

I'm going to be turning eighteen just in time for elections so I've been following the race pretty closely, but I'm just sick of all the crap. All I ever see is Hillary and Obama on the TV saying derogatory things about each other. The occasional picture of them drinking and a couple of low blows to H's love life. This is ridiculous. Should we really care about this? DOES anyone care? I highly doubt it.

I mean, yeah, these are our candidates and as such they are subject to scrutiny, but I don't think the fact that Hillary gets a little teary sometimes or Obama enjoys a beer every now and again is going to change who they are. Let's see some real issues folks! Let's hear about what there going to do about the war, economy, immigration, etc. The rest is superfluous.

Some of the best known politicians in history have had terrible personal habits. J.F.K, adulterer extraordinaire. Thomas Jefferson, rumoured to have small colony of illegitimate African children...Think of a political hero you have. Go research them --a little extensively if you please--. Chances are that they were substance abusers, adulterers, or just overall crappy people to know personally.

So, I appeal to whatever Patron Saint/Deity that controls these media people. I ask only that we cover a little less of this superfluous information and get down to the things that are going to be affecting our nation and consequently the world.

* Small afterthought: Whatever happened to McCain? Come on Republicans. We at least need the semblance of a party choice.

**Slightly larger afterthought: Is Nader running this year? If there was any chance of him getting in I would so vote for that guy. What persistence.

***Since I don't like reading about the campaign I'll try to make this the last post that I write about it. At least until something significant and blog worthy comes up.