Monday, October 03, 2005

An All New Setup

I have once again decided to grace all of the readers who so avidly enjoy my blog *coughs* me *coughs* with me wonderous personage. :D I haven't been updating and a lot has been going on. This is mostly due to the fact that I'm a loser who needs to learn how to post regularly, but it is also partly due to band which so totally rocks. Mostly the loser part. I am now a more mature and intellectual being. Yep, that's right. I'm a Freshman in HighSchool. A.K.A. Door Mat.
Hey, at least I'm one more step closer to maturity. In your face!! Anyhow, I'm going to rearrange some stuff and rename some stuff and redo some stuff. If anyone has any advice on how to do cool stuff on Blogs then please feel free to help me figure out what in the world I'm doing. Oh and do forgive me for the over usage of the word "Stuff".
Alright, let me take a moment to paraphrase update you on what's going on. I'm in the second week of the second six weeks of school. Which means all new friends and classes. My absolute favorite class is band. Take a moment to notice the new blog title if you need any convincing. I don't really see any of my friends from DCS ( my old elementary school) anymore.
I play alto sax still. Something that will only change if I have a horrible accident and sufer brain trauma that causes me to be suicidal and kill myself. I still have strnge obcessions with stupid stuff ( so says some of my friends * Cassie*) I'm sure someone out there thinks Phantom of the Opera and Alan Rickman are the best ever. Right? That's what I thought. So, I just thoughht I'd invite you to share in my soon to be improved blog.