Sunday, January 16, 2005

Avoiding the inevitable

I'm sure that anyone reading this is tired of my constant complaining about the upcoming try outs. a.k.a. the end of my life, but I must say that I'm mortified of the outcome. I'm sure I couldn't get last chair. * blinks* What if I suck so bad that I get last chair!!! I had never actually thought about that possibility. It's not like the last chair is any better than the first chair. All the positions are important in some way.......... That's the kind of thing Mr. C , my band director, would say to the losers. * cries* I could be practicing ,but if I practice then I realize tht I suck at playing and that there is a chance that the seventh graders might end up with my chair. ( dun dun da) * sighs* Ah well, I need to stop wallowing in self pity and get a better self esteem blah blah . blah blah blah.
Anyways, I'm just sitting here with my hair in curlers doing my nails. ( yes, I'm really that bored. Although I hate saying that I'm bored. A bored person is a boring person.) Looking up cheats for my Van Helsing game. Sorta sad that I have to look up cheats for it. It's quite direct when it comes to what you have to do. I'm just lacking any kind of skills it takes to conquer a simple video game. In the game Van Helsing ( the character. I'm not just repeating the name of the game) can lose his hat and you have to pick it up before you leave. Well, he lost his hat and I didn't realize it so now it's no telling where. I really liked the hat. I'm close to the part where you have to battle Dracula ( according to cheat page ) and I don't think I would be able to kill him. How can anyone not side with Dracula? He's doing the world a favor. Yep, keeping us from over populating. *looks innocent * WHat?! O K , maybe it's not alright, but I still side with him. So ha!!
Well, I gtg take out the curlers. So many people to terrorize, So little time to do it in. : D Tootles!


Matthew said...

Since you haven't posted it yet I will: She got first chair today (Jan 21)! Wahoo!

Ok, you can make an official post now, but I was still the first to tell them =-P