Saturday, November 27, 2004


Yay!!! Just got three new books. I hardly ever get new books since Books-a-Million is in Chattanooga.( An hour and a half or so away) As I wrote earlier I usually get to go on the occasion someone is sick. So I broke my toe. :D aren't I smart?! OK I didn't mean to, but it worked out just as well. Anyway, I bought Sunshine by. Robin McKinley( The book I've been wanting forever and an age), Dracula By. Bram Stocker, and The Glasswright's Progress By. Mindy L. Klasky. The picture on the cover of Dracula is a bit morbid and useless though. It shows Castle Dracula on a hill and below it are pikes with silhouettes of a bunch of people that have been impaled. I've almost finished reading it and I can't ,for the life of me, figure out why they would put a picture of Impaled people on there.
Their isn't ,as far as I've read, been anyone impaled and since I only have about five chapters to go there isn't really any time for Dracula to be throwing any one off a balconys and junk. He's much to busy hiding from his hunters. If he starts impaling peolple any time soon their must be a very strange twist at the end. Well I must be off to finish reading. Tootles

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Chapter Seven

LOG OF THE "DEMETER" Varna to Whitby
Written 18 July, things so strange happening, that I shall keep accurate note henceforth till we land.
On 6 July we finished taking in cargo, silver sand and boxes of earth. At noon set sail. East wind, fresh. Crew, five hands . . . two mates, cook, and myself, (captain).
On 11 July at dawn entered Bosphorus. Boarded by Turkish Customs officers. Backsheesh. All correct. Under way at 4 p. m.
On 12 July through Dardanelles. More Customs officers and flagboat of guarding squadron. Backsheesh again. Work of officers thorough, but quick. Want us off soon. At dark passed into Archipelago.
On 13 July passed Cape Matapan. Crew dissatisfied about something. Seemed scared, but would not speak out.
On 14 July was somewhat anxious about crew. Men all steady fellows, who sailed with me before. Mate could not make out what was wrong. They only told him there was SOME- THING, and crossed themselves. Mate lost temper with one of them that day and struck him. Expected fierce quarrel, but all was quiet.
On 16 July mate reported in the morning that one of the crew, Petrofsky, was missing. Could not account for it. Took larboard watch eight bells last night, was relieved by Amramoff, but did not go to bunk. Men more downcast than ever. All said they expected something of the kind, but would not say more than there was SOMETHING aboard. Mate getting very impatient with them. Feared some trouble ahead.
On 17 July, yesterday, one of the men, Olgaren, came to my cabin, and in an awestruck way confided to me that he thought there was a strange man aboard the ship. He said that in his watch he had been sheltering behind the deckhouse, as there was a rain storm, when he saw a tall, thin man, who was not like any of the crew, come up the companionway, and go along the deck forward and disappear. He followed cautiously, but when he got to bows found no one, and the hatchways were all closed. He was in a panic of superstitious fear, and I am afraid the panic may spread. To allay it, I shall today search the entire ship carefully from stem to stern.
Later in the day I got together the whole crew, and told them, as they evidently thought there was some one in the ship, we would search from stem to stern. First mate angry, said it was folly, and to yield to such foolish ideas would demoralise the men, said he would engage to keep them out of trouble with the handspike. I let him take the helm, while the rest began a thorough search, all keeping abreast, with lanterns. We left no corner unsearched. As there were only the big wooden boxes, there were no odd corners where a man could hide. Men much relieved when search over, and went back to work cheerfully. First mate scowled, but said nothing.
22 July.--Rough weather last three days, and all hands busy with sails, no time to be frightened. Men seem to have forgotten their dread. Mate cheerful again, and all on good terms. Praised men for work in bad weather. Passed Gibraltar and out through Straits. All well.
24 July.--There seems some doom over this ship. Already a hand short, and entering the Bay of Biscay with wild weather ahead, and yet last night another man lost, disappeared. Like the first, he came off his watch and was not seen again. Men all in a panic of fear, sent a round robin, asking to have double watch, as they fear to be alone. Mate angry. Fear there will be some trouble, as either he or the men will do some violence.
28 July.--Four days in hell, knocking about in a sort of malestrom, and the wind a tempest. No sleep for any one. Men all worn out. Hardly know how to set a watch, since no one fit to go on. Second mate volunteered to steer and watch, and let men snatch a few hours sleep. Wind abating, seas still terrific, but feel them less, as ship is steadier.
29 July.--Another tragedy. Had single watch tonight, as crew too tired to double. When morning watch came on deck could find no one except steersman. Raised outcry, and all came on deck. Thorough search, but no one found. Are now without second mate, and crew in a panic. Mate and I agreed to go armed henceforth and wait for any sign of cause.
30 July.--Last night. Rejoiced we are nearing England. Weather fine, all sails set. Retired worn out, slept soundly, awakened by mate telling me that both man of watch and steersman missing. Only self and mate and two hands left to work ship.
1 August.--Two days of fog, and not a sail sighted. Had hoped when in the English Channel to be able to signal for help or get in somewhere. Not having power to work sails, have to run before wind. Dare not lower, as could not raise them again. We seem to be drifting to some terrible doom. Mate now more demoralised than either of men. His stronger nature seems to have worked inwardly against himself. Men are beyond fear, working stolidly and patiently, with minds made up to worst. They are Russian, he Roumanian.
2 August, midnight.--Woke up from few minutes sleep by hearing a cry, seemingly outside my port. Could see nothing in fog. Rushed on deck, and ran against mate. Tells me he heard cry and ran, but no sign of man on watch. One more gone. Lord, help us! Mate says we must be past Straits of Dover, as in a moment of fog lifting he saw North Foreland, just as he heard the man cry out. If so we are now off in the North Sea, and only God can guide us in the fog, which seems to move with us, and God seems to have deserted us.
3 August.--At midnight I went to relieve the man at the wheel and when I got to it found no one there. The wind was steady, and as we ran before it there was no yawing. I dared not leave it, so shouted for the mate. After a few seconds, he rushed up on deck in his flannels. He looked wild-eyed and haggard, and I greatly fear his reason has given way. He came close to me and whispered hoarsely, with his mouth to my ear, as though fearing the very air might hear. "It is here. I know it now. On the watch last night I saw It, like a man, tall and thin, and ghastly pale. It was in the bows, and looking out. I crept behind It, and gave it my knife, but the knife went through It, empty as the air." And as he spoke he took the knife and drove it savagely into space. Then he went on, "But It is here, and I'll find It. It is in the hold, perhaps in one of those boxes. I'll unscrew them one by one and see. You work the helm." And with a warning look and his finger on his lip, he went below. There was springing up a choppy wind, and I could not leave the helm. I saw him come out on deck again with a tool chest and lantern, and go down the forward hatchway. He is mad, stark, raving mad, and it's no use my trying to stop him. He can't hurt those big boxes, they are invoiced as clay, and to pull them about is as harmless a thing as he can do. So here I stay and mind the helm, and write these notes. I can only trust in God and wait till the fog clears. Then, if I can't steer to any harbour with the wind that is, I shall cut down sails, and lie by, and signal for help . . .
It is nearly all over now. Just as I was beginning to hope that the mate would come out calmer, for I heard him knocking away at something in the hold, and work is good for him, there came up the hatchway a sudden, startled scream, which made my blood run cold, and up on the deck he came as if shot from a gun, a raging madman, with his eyes rolling and his face convulsed with fear. "Save me! Save me!" he cried, and then looked round on the blanket of fog. His horror turned to despair, and in a steady voice he said,"You had better come too, captain, before it is too late. He is there! I know the secret now. The sea will save me from Him, and it is all that is left!" Before I could say a word, or move forward to seize him, he sprang on the bulwark and deliberately threw himself into the sea. I suppose I know the secret too, now. It was this madman who had got rid of the men one by one, and now he has followed them himself. God help me! How am I to account for all these horrors when I get to port? When I get to port! Will that ever be?
4 August.--Still fog, which the sunrise cannot pierce, I know there is sunrise because I am a sailor, why else I know not. I dared not go below, I dared not leave the helm, so here all night I stayed, and in the dimness of the night I saw it, Him! God, forgive me, but the mate was right to jump overboard. It was better to die like a man. To die like a sailor in blue water, no man can object. But I am captain, and I must not leave my ship. But I shall baffle this fiend or monster, for I shall tie my hands to the wheel when my strength begins to fail, and along with them I shall tie that which He, It, dare not touch. And then, come good wind or foul, I shall save my soul, and my honour as a captain. I am growing weaker, and the night is coming on. If He can look me in the face again, I may not have time to act . . .If we are wrecked, mayhap this bottle may be found, and those who find it may understand. If not . . . well, then all men shall know that I have been true to my trust. God and the Blessed Virgin and the Saints help a poor ignorant soul trying to do his duty . . .
From the book Dracula by. Bram Stoker

Thursday, November 18, 2004


I was looking up stuff on Dracula, the book, by Bram Stoker and found a site whre you can read it. Which is so totally cool because the only way I get new books is if I'm sick and have to go to Chattanooga. Plus I have about six books I'm wanting to buy. Anway I'm puting the link to the dracula book on here. Tootles

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Van Helsing

My mom just got from Nashville, where she went for a conference, and guess what! She got me a Van Helsing shirt. Of course it doesn't actually show his whole face, but oh well. I'll get over it. Anyway,I watched Van Helsing about two weeks ago and now I want to read the book. Although I realize that the book most likely want have Hugh Jackman playing the main roll, and he probablt will not have an automatic cross bow.( Which would be so totally cool to have). I just finished the book To Kill A Mocking Bird and it was actually a really good book. I thought it was going to be boring, but half way into it it got a lot better. I think I'll reread it tomorrow. I tried to put a Van Helsing picture an the blog, but couldn't figure out how. Some advice if go to look up Van Helsing don't go to MSN and type in Vampires. It was really freaky. Well, I haven't done homework in about three days or so. I might want to get on that. Tootles

Saturday, November 13, 2004


Hi yall, I'm just sittin' here drinking hot choclate with my little cousin, Colton. Been keeping busy doing nothing. Just got finished waching Around the World in 80 Days. Almost ready to set up my bow for it to dry. Now I just have to find an elevated narrow surface in my house that is at least 5ft. 1in. long. Oh well, I have to go. He, my cuz, is playing with an ornamental dagger and will likely impale himself if I don't stop him. * rolls eyes* My family is so clumsy.
So I'm off to play the playstation. Yay!!! Tootles

Friday, November 12, 2004


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Soooooo. Today has been fun. got singled out during band to play something, and totally bombed it. : ( Oh Well, I 've been working on my dramatic departures. Don't work to well though. Tried today after school. I left. They were still laughing. Hope they don't think I'm mad at them. Anyway , found out that Bush won during fourth period. Coolio.


* yawns* I got up at five this morning to check out who was winning the election, and..... Wait! that's what I'm doing right now. O.K. so at the moment Bush has 269 electorial votes so all he needs is one more state to win. I don't remember how many Kerry had ( not as many as Bush) , but maybe we'll have the answer to whose going to be the pres. of 2005 when I get home. Right now I got to go take a shower before school. Tootles

Tuesday, November 02, 2004 Here's the site that I meant to put on my last post. I could just edit the other posts, but I don't feel like it. * shrugs*


I found this really cool site on how to make a bunch of completely useless stuff. Seeing how interested I am in useless stuff though this was quite fortunate. I've been working on a bow for about a week now. ( one you shoot. Not tie) The progress of it is about to kill me. I had to cut down a sapling first and then split it so it could be pulled back, but I kept cutting down trees with big hollow spots in them and you don't find out that the spots are there until you've started splitting them. Which is harder than you think. So I'm on my fourth piece of wood.After I'm done with the tillering , splitting and junk, I have to let it sit out for about a month to dry, While I'm waiting for it to dry I'm going to make arrows for it out of wooden dowels. All this is isn't necessary because I already have a bow and about 10 or so arrows. I'm sure I could do something more useful with my time. Like study algebra or practice my saxophone........Like I'd really do something like that:D
While I'm typing I'll mention( just for all my thirteen year old friends) I get to vote in th next election. Yay! Yep I'm fourteen and they rest of my friends aren't. I hardly ever get one up on them. So Ha. Don't fret though I'm not so pathetic that my age is my only advantage. I'm ever so quick witted ;) Tootles .