Thursday, October 14, 2004


My Mudd pants are gone. Gone!I was riding my horse bareback with my Mudd pants on ( bad idea). My beloved horse Fritz( whom I love dearly) dragged me against the fence post. It was an electric fence post so it had little spikes on it to hold the fence up and now my pants are in need of repair. I would buy new ones, but I don't really care much what I look like( too much). I really want some more books to read so I'll just go to school in tattery pants. I'll start a trend. Patches are in. :) I have to watch my little cuz's tomorrow. Yah! I love having people to play with. I'll make them dress up and we can be pirates. I just can't pass the opportunity to wear an eye patch and bandana. I also get to go to the mall tomorrow. Time for some books! I want the newer book by Robin McKinley called Sunshine. It seems like it will be interesting . I've read a little of it online. The beginning is very intriguing. I gotta go. My Mother beckons. Tootles