Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Hi Ya'll, I've done absolutely nothing since thge last time I wrote. So I have nothing to write about. :D Tootles

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Gorgon"target="_blank">"border="0" width="330" height="175">
I took the"target="_blank">What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

Medevil Name

Your medieval name is: Gweneveire. You are
innocent, quiet, beautiful and angelic. You
harbor an inner beauty and you usually keep to
yourself, following the lines of conformity.
You're totally innocent and loyal.

What is your Medieval name?
brought to you by
I'm a Wind Spiriti

Friday, October 15, 2004


Well, I didn't get to play pirates. : ( One of my cousins had crutches 'cause he wrecked his four wheeler. Plus it's been about 52 degrees today .So we stayed in and played the ps2 .Later on we went outside, but didn't play pirates. Still too cold to wear our Pirate outfits. I'm teaching Fritz to stay still while I stand up on him. He's getting really good. Well got to go. Tootles. ( here's the site to Sunshine book)

Thursday, October 14, 2004


My Mudd pants are gone. Gone!I was riding my horse bareback with my Mudd pants on ( bad idea). My beloved horse Fritz( whom I love dearly) dragged me against the fence post. It was an electric fence post so it had little spikes on it to hold the fence up and now my pants are in need of repair. I would buy new ones, but I don't really care much what I look like( too much). I really want some more books to read so I'll just go to school in tattery pants. I'll start a trend. Patches are in. :) I have to watch my little cuz's tomorrow. Yah! I love having people to play with. I'll make them dress up and we can be pirates. I just can't pass the opportunity to wear an eye patch and bandana. I also get to go to the mall tomorrow. Time for some books! I want the newer book by Robin McKinley called Sunshine. It seems like it will be interesting . I've read a little of it online. The beginning is very intriguing. I gotta go. My Mother beckons. Tootles

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Trick 'r Treat

I can't wait for Halloween! I have to decide between what I'll do. Roll houses or stay at my house and shoot( with paintball guns)people who try to roll us or give out candy....Definitely one of the first two.I want to take my friends rolling houses, but most parents don't think vandalism is an acceptable recreational activity. I also want to go to a haunted house that's going on at the park a few days before Halloween. What should I dress up as? Axe Murderer? Elf? Lady Knight? Junior High Teacher ( would scare any decent kid)?Such a dilema.* looks perplexed* Well I must go decide. Tootles

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Women Warriors

* In the late 1300’s, 30 women defended the town of Mugello until reinforcements arrived.
v In 1240AD, the Teutonic Knights were beleaguered by the Prussians and took refuge in several towns. In Culm, most of the knights were eventually killed and the city would have been taken except for the efforts of the women of the town. They closed the gates, donned mail, and mounted the wall, spears in hand. The Prussians withdrew.
v The women who fought in the defense of the town of Tortosa against the Moors in 1149 were honored by the Count of Barcelona. He created a knightly order especially for them.
v Lady Agnes Randolph successfully held her castle for 5 months against the Earl of Salisbury in 1334. After each assault, she had her maids dust the battlements to show her scorn for the attackers.
v The Dutch city of Harlaam, attacked by the Spanish in 1568, was defended in part by two sisters (Amarron & Kenau Hasselaar) who led a battalion of 300 women armed with sword, dagger and musket. Refusing to wear men's clothing, they wore light armor over their dresses.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Try outs

Ugh! I tried out for basketball today. Bad idea since I hadn't touched a basketball in years. I thought there would be some on e there who was really bad and I could say" Hey at least I'm not that bad". Unfortunately I was that person. * cries* Oh well, I still have band.........I have no life. I'm really having fun in all my other classes though. The newspaper is getting along well. We are going to try to print out the first one soon and It'll get easier once we get it done once.I'm doing a pathetic book review. Why is it so pathetic you ask. It's for 1st through 3rd grade. *sighs* Plus the book has to be in the school library. I'm not grounded this week so I maybe can go to the movies. I've been grounded for the last past three or four weeks... It seems I talk in the wrong tone of voice. What is uup with that? I talked less to them, my parents, and they got suspicious that I'm up to something. So they ask. I reply in the wong tone of voice. I get grounded. It's just a giant repeating circle. That means it would be a good idea to go to the movies before the cirlce makes it's next go around. I think I'll go see the Shark Tale movie. That's al that's on right now. Talk to you later. Tootles