Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Baby Hitler

Today in my English 1020 class wer ewre discussing an essay by Peter Singer about animal rights. The premise is that animals are just as intelligent (if not more) than infant humans. So why don't we experiment on baby humans instead of animals etc.?

Prof. Austin: If you were on a boat and someone else's baby and your dog fell into the water who would you save? Keeping in mind that you can only save one?

Entire Class: Uh, the baby.

Prof. Austin: Why? Why is the dog's life less important than the irrational infants?

Me: Well...logically the baby has more to offer society since one day it could be a doctor or rocket scientist (or high school English Teacher. xD)

Prof. Austin: Perhaps, but that baby also has a chance of being the next Hitler.


Guy Beside Me: That dog has a chance of being Cujo!

Guy Beside Me=1
Prof. Austin=0

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pumpkin Spice Fraps

So I sit here with my two hour interval between classes, and ask myself, "Starr, what should we do?" I, with only a 2% chance of failure, always come up with a plan to trek to StarBucks, get a frappicino, and trek back half a mile to my apartment and listen to music for awhile. It's really quite lovely. (Not to mention that long walk might compensate for my constant sweet coffee drink intake.)

But, alas, I have squandered my time elsewhere and must be off to THE CLASS OF SATAN!

I leave you with a poem:

Life Lost, Love Gained by me

Once I was passion, light, and love,
Tinged with melancholy and anger.
Free to hate and hold in turn,
I saw life laid open before me.

Then your smile captured me,
My heart recognized yours and cringed.
For you are my soul mate,
And I was compromised.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I would like to apologize to anyone who gets my blog via RSS for my last post that has now been removed. I was tired, medicted, and think I may have had water poisoning. Long story.

Monday, September 14, 2009


It is the fall of the year, so forgive me the current leaf-y blog background. Also forgive me for completely having no links due to whoever made said layout. One day I will learn HTML and write a medicore template, and be HAPPY with it. Why? All the super hard effort that I know would be put forth.

I'm very much not in the here and now. I've had a very stressful past couple of months, but now that I'm actually enrolled, confirmed, and living vaguely on campus, my stress levels will drop until finals come around.

So far college life is...okay. It's okay. I haven't met hardly anyone. Most of the outgoing people on campus are snobby and look down on us less attractive creatures.

"No, I do not way one hundred pounds and plan to continue eating, chubby thighs or no. This shirt? Yeah. I did get it at Goodwill. Also, I do not spend more than twenty minutes with my morning toilet."

I'm far from unhappy as of yet... I spend a good deal of time studying the demon Algebra. I'm enjoying my English class quite a bit. So it evens out, yes?