Saturday, June 06, 2009

Soulless Creature Most Miserable

Over the past half-year or so I've managed to let my brain go to complete flab. I've written absolutely nothing and now seem to have lost the ability to compose things as simple as well rounded journal entries. And to the me of half a year ago this would have been die worthy, but I've just...let go? The past couple of months. I'm not for sure what's going on.

It's been a bout of creative wasteland and unoriginality that has swept my world. Oh terrible terrible wasteland, let loose my chains! *Dramatic chain shake*

But, writing and creativity aside, it's even been a bit of a drought on reading. Which is a mortal wound to my soul! Yes. You are correct, sirs (And madams if it pleases you.) You are reading the blog of a soulless creature most miserable.

Of course, I have but myself to blame. (And this odd bout of complete brain-flabness.) I'll just hop back into the sieve, shall I?


robin.c.s. said...

Hey, we can't always be on the intellectual-up. Sometimes backslides happen. In fact, that's pretty much every single summer for me. No work. No thought. Not a lot of writing. Lots of reading, but nothing mind-blowing. I feel like a slug in the summer. >_>

Are you at least enjoying the season of sun in Tennessee?

Aurora said...

Mmm. Toasty toasty Tennessee. If by enjoying you mean walking outside to sizzle, running to the pool, and reading in the shade of nice tree. Then most definitely I am.

And how goes your lovely weather up in Washington?