Sunday, June 07, 2009

He is my Penguin

It is late, I have drank an entire liter of orange soda, and for some reason am thinking in a pompous British voice inside my head. So forgive me if I sound pretentious. (Would someone explain to me how orange soda and sleep deprivation are linked to odd thinking voices? Though...I did do some half hearted crunches today. The exercise must have gotten to me.)

It has, in a blast of carbonated citrus-y goodness, occurred to me that I have never extolled the virtues and wonders of the other half of my soul. This is mostly due to the aversion I have of bringing boy troubles onto the purity that is "THE BLOG". So out of habit, and respect towards those who just don't care he's not had sonnets written to him as of yet. (And is not likely to, I prefer double dactyls for such things. Baha.)

His name is Tyler. And I love him.

Love is an odd thing, and when you finally get the real thing...It's not what you expect. The best I can say is... It's like my soul has been permeated through with his. Everything I do somehow links back to him. Because of him I am a better person. Things I'd be willing to do a year ago (shifty things that are better off not acted on) I now refrain from because I don't want to do anything that would affect him adversely.

He is my penguin.


robin.c.s. said...

Are you sure he isn't a lobster? Lobsters mate for life too, y'know.

Aurora said...

He isn't a lobster because:

1. He doesn't make creepy tentacle eyes at me.

2. I've not eaten him with butter sauce.