Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bring Back The Code

Why have all the people gone and left behind monsters in their stead? Because surely man would not lead a life of this sort? This sad and depraved existence where trust is idiocy and loyalty a pipe dream.

Where are the brotherhoods? The convents and cults? Even these things were held together by tradition. Now all that's left is new. New. Is that so good? This new thing that blows all tradition to the wind, leaving humanity without anything to ground themselves. When do we know where to begin? When?!

Bring back codes of chivalry and oaths of honor, because these things are noble. What the world needs...What *I* neeed is just a little hope that there are higher values and noble ideals left. Just a little hope.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Emo Folk Band

Ahhh, yet another week in the epic quest that is my life. New epic quest theme music of the week? The Mountain Goats.

Lyric excerpt from No Children:

I am drowning
There is no sign of land
You are coming down with me
Hand in unlovable hand
And I hope you die
I hope we both die

See? Emo Folk.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

So it goes.

So, about all that philosophy club stuff I've been working on.(Which I don't think I ever mentioned. Think lots of reading caused sleep deprivation.) Yeah, pretty much worth *toilet flushing sound here* So it goes.

The problem is, it's high school. There aren't many kids with a large grasp of philosophical concepts, me included. The ones that do are usually introverts lurking in the corners. Bunch of freaking late bloomers! Why weren't you at Philosophy Club?!!

Problem number two is, how do you approach it? Do you go in there full-on teachy mode and lecture about it? Ugh. Discuss it in true Socratic method? Yay! but see problem one.

Then there's the problem of 'What to discuss?'. We have a couple of people jumping at, 'What's the meaning of life?' Which truly...Is there a *worse* topic? Then you have the bozos asking stoner questions, "If the door is closed on a room, and no one is in the room...Is the room still there?!"*

It's going to work. I just didn't realize there were quite so many details.

*Thanks to Mr.F for that one.