Saturday, August 16, 2008

Random Fanfic Excerpt

I love all the Harry Potter fanfiction out there that desprately tries to save Snape. Or, if it was published right after The Half Blood Prince, try to view him in a better light. Anyhow, I read this in a fic earlier and it cracked me up. So, I share.

"Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape had been hastily pardoned following a rather noisy meeting between Remus Lupin, Poppy Pomfrey and a furious Rufus Scrimgeour. Apparently, on the night that Draco let a bunch of crazy Death Eaters into Hogwarts, Dumbledore was half-dead from a Horcrux related curse and definitely on his way out after Harry had force fed him a nasty dose of poison. Unfortunately, the green sparks Snape managed to shoot in Dumbledore’s direction while shouting, ‘Abracadabra!’ caused the wildly hallucinating old man to overbalance and fall off the Astronomy Tower."

HAHAHAHA! Don't know why, but that is freaking hilarious in my head.

Pulls It Together

Okay, due to school, band, newspaper, and being generally overwhelmed with school...I haven't paid attention to anything going on. Haven't read anything. My life is empty!!!

But hey, I'm back on it and have a stack of books to read. I shall begin to Yeah.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Senior Year: Day 1

Yes, indeed, today was the first day of my SENIOR year. Yes, you read those all caps right. I would elaborate on it with great and witty detail, but honestly...I was so sleepy through most of it I can't remember.

Yeah. Go to sleep at 4 and get up at 12 all summer and you're not going to cope well once school starts back up.

So, brief and uneventful synopsis of my day.

Got up this morning at 5:20 in hopes of getting to school early. This because I want a decent parking spot. Nigh impossible if you get there after 7:45. I got there at 7:40. I could have been there early only I had an attack of " I know I'm forgetting something!"
Which tends to make me ridiculously late.

Spent an hour and a half in the cafeteria doing nothing because I don't have a first period. Yeah.

(Explanation: I have a small high school with a large amount of people at it. This causes there not to be a enough room/classes. Therefore if you have all the classes you need then they aren't going to push you to take more. And since nothing conveniently fits into my schedule I gots nothing.)

My second period was spent in the gym with about four other classes because I was supposed to be in our portable trailers.

(Explanation: Due to our extreme overcrowding we had to get a 'temporary' fix of some trailers. They got trailers. Installed them. Made elaborate walkways. Temporary my foot. To avoid potential humiliation from neighboring high schools we do not refer to them as 'trailers'. Please. Islands or cottages will be acceptable.)

My third period was English and spent making a descriptive book about myself out of two sheets of computer paper. Yes, I am in fact an artistic genius. I have the stick figures to prove it. Unfortunately, the epic English Teacher was not there today. I can only guess that he had a doctor's appointment. He recently has had cancer and I'm not for sure if he's done with it.

Fourth Period. Newspaper. Spent listening to Ferrellonius wax about the awesomeenss of our new site which should cut down our tree killing from 7 issues a year to 3.

Fifth period would be Mythology. Spent listening to Ferrellonius outline what he planned on doing his first year teaching the class.

Sixth Period. Band. Did nothing due to first dayness and had to sit in the band room while the screams of 140 other students wafted gently about my head. Ah, home sweet band.

So, there you go, my first day of senior year semi-permanently written down.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Set Ye Cursed Sun!

Indeed. I am ready for the sun to fully set on the Twilight books. No I haven't read them, but I keep seeing messages from it's little fan-clubs (which seem to be shrill little emo girls.) that go like this, " Harry Potter sucks, Twilight is better."

Oh. Oh no, you didn't!

That's right, my friends, those you-know-whats insulted MY books and then think they can get away with it!


But really. Come on, does insulting some other series get your point across annoying fan-girls of lame-ness? I shall go forth (maybe) and read these books if I get the free time. Just so I can give people the thumbs up or down when they ask about it. I judge not the series yet. Just the fans of the series. xD Sorry, innocent bystanders.

School Begins. My Life Goes.

I learn by going where to go.

School starts this coming Monday. I'm happy that it's starting because then I don't have to find things to do with myself. There are only so many times you need to reread Tamora Pierce. I learned how to knit though! (There are only so many times you can make a scarf...) Anyhow, I just thought it would be a heads up. Between band camp and about to start school etc. I haven't been able to read as much. Which makes me sad.

On the bright side: Mythology! Senior English! Newspaper! Band...(!)?