Thursday, June 19, 2008


It says I posted nine days ago...Oh please, NO! Why the hell is summer so freaking long. So painfully dull. Add uber nazi parents to the equation and you have me sitting in various places and hoping for an untimely death. Hooha.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Want Your Advanced Copies, Foos!

Once upon a time, about four in the morning, I had about three pots of coffee too many and decided that I wanted to utillize my blogs and it's book reviews to wrangle me some advanced copies.

But then I slept.

Which led me to realize that I have the time, but not the patience to wrangle up the readers I need for a book reviewing blog. Being social makes me tetchy. xD

Anyhow, if anyone decided that they do have the time, patience, and lack of social is a link that I thought was pretty helpful.

Friday, June 06, 2008


Through much peer pressure and one of my friends making an awful one so I had to go fix it....I know have a myspace.

I've yet to really see the appeal. Maybe it'll come to me.

The First Book of a Genre

Can you remember the first book you ever read out of a certain genre? And no I don't mean young adult or romance. I mean do you remember your first moor trudging, governess heroine, gothic, novel? Okay, okay, you got me. Jane Eyre was the first of it's type I ever read back in the day. It still remains far up in " I love that book! Let me read it again!" list.

There's just nothing better than the first book you ever read of a certain genre. No matter what genre it is. When you find what you love...nothing like it.