Thursday, March 20, 2008

To Slog

WARNING! This is one of those dreary posts that I oft feel obligated to write. So, if that's not your thing read no further.

Slog--To make (one's way) with a slow heavy pace against resistance.

O, to slog my days away. Through solemn December and blooming May. Who am I slogging against you ask. Well, I shall tell you, my friend. I slog against time. Against stupidity. Against MYSELF! Yes, at every turn and I am thwarted by none other than the own denizens of my mind. They revolt constantly and never agree with my decisions. Therefore I slog.

My entire life seems to be a giant quagmire right now. I have to push through all of this thick foggy stuff in order to interact with other people and sometimes it's just not worth it. Unfortunately it's finally gotten to where I have to push through to talk to myself. I know! No wonder I never make any sense. My mind spends so much time in inactivity that it's started to stagnate. Which means that when I do need to pull something out of it it's usually covered in pond muck and barely discernible.

Of course, the thick foggy stuff may just mean I need glasses.


robin.c.s. said...

You know what's good for that?

Nyquil. It's the fast ticket to La-La-Land. Nothing is quite as relaxing as a trip to La-La-Land.

Or, you know, blogging helps too. It can be cathartic.

I'm sorry you've been forced to slog. Everyday life kind of dragging you down? I hope things have gotten better since you posted this!

Good luck, and best wishes.