Monday, June 05, 2006

Coffee and Funyons

So I was just sitting in my room and I had a thought.....What if i lived in a house made of peaches... Wouldn' that be awsome?! Then right after that I thought that maybe I should let people know that summer is as boring as hell . And I imagine after a couple days of burning , hell is pretty boring. Then again I may be wrong. I don't have any personal experience in the matter.... Have you ever really noticed that when you are given time to think about things you keep thinking aout them until you are drivn to insanity? There should never be a time when you have nothing to do for a period over three days. You think about one thing over and over trying to figure out how to fix it. You look at it from every angle and work through every senario and three pots of coffee and a bag of funyons later you realize something. No matter what you think about there is now way that you can go back into he past and cange anything so there is no point obcessing....which makes you deppressed and want more coffee.