Saturday, June 11, 2005


Well, I haven't posted forever and an age. I'll probably wait another month before I post again. :D Nothing much has changed here.
It is now several weeks into my summer vacation. Which means that I'm bored out of my mind. My average day is spent rereading fanfiction and listening to my Phantom of the Opera sound track. Over , and over, and over, and over.....over.....and over again. I went to see the movie Madagascar with my friend Cassie. It was a pretty good movie, but I really didn't see much of it because one of my other friends( brook) kept looking over at this couple that was making out and then she would go into hysterical fits of laughter. So that made Cassie tell her to shut-up. This pretty much made up the most of our visit. Anyway, Phantom of the opera is like the greatest movie ever. Although I wish that the phantom had gotten the girl. *sighs* Why can't the deprived characters ever win. So he killed a few people. It isn't like they didn't deserve it. :D
I've read mostly fanfic over th summer, but have also read the last book in Artemis Fowl series, Jerlayne, and have reread about eery book that I own. all this while avaoiding my family that thinks reading is a sign that I have nothing better to do and they should give me something to do. * scowls* Horrible unappreciative peopl. hat would we ever do without books?!
Oh Well, I have to go. I have a time limit set on my computer and have to go in about 3 min. Tootles!!!!!***


Matthew said...

I'm still reading if you keep posting =-P. Sorry I haven't commented in a while.