Saturday, February 05, 2005

Driving On His Own

Me and my Bro just got back from the Movies Rent place thingy. "So what" Says you . Well, this is the first time it has only been me and Kalen going somewhere. Avoiding th fact that we only were gone about 20 minutes. We rented the moveies SkyCaptain and the World of Tomorrow and I Robot. Not that is important. Just thought I'd mention it. I was covered in mud and stuff (because I'd been riding my horrse and playing at the barn) so I just ran in there with him, grabbed two movies and left. :D Well, my first chair victory was sorta short lived. Hannah , the second chair, has infromed me that she plans to challengs me and take my chair. * screams* I don't know if I can take all this practicing. Get home practice, get up practice. DoI eat ? No!! Too busy practicing. Anyhow, I have aquired a few new /old books. The Cantebury Tales, Paradise Lost, The Pellop.. wait a second. gtg check the spelling on that. The Peloponnesian War by. Thucydides. No last name just Thucydides. Apparently people used very strange names in order to keep from having to have last ones at the time that this book was written. Wuthering Heights by, Emily Bronte and... a book about Martin Luther( the saint dude, not the King Jr. one) . I haven't done anything interesting of late. SO I guess I'll post later. Tootles!!


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