Thursday, September 23, 2004


Well, now I'm regretting signing up for all that stuff at the beginning of the year. I'm am so busy. Although I'm sure everyone has a boat load to do to. In the yearbook staff I am supposed to be making an autograph page.Two friends and I are the editor/coordinators of the Newspaper.I have Chorus Wednesdays and Friday's during lunch.Newspaper on Tuesday and Thursday during lunch, and lots of Algebra to do that is absolutely useless.Oh yeah, I also need to practice my saxophone nonstop for the next month so a one of the lowly seventh graders don't take it.Student Council though is pretty easy.*sighs* I'm done with my self pity now:p Although through a few machinations I have succeeded in getting Matthew to help with the newspaper.( He has to help figure out the layout/format of it so we can print) I only think this is going to be good for one meeting though :( I'll have to figure something better out. ) Next time I right I'll try and be more other words try not to mention school. Fairwell for now. Tootles

Thursday, September 16, 2004

No school!

Yay! We get out of school tomorrow.Reason: the ever so distuctive hurricane. I feel sota bad about being happy about it. Anyway, I'm just sitting here trying to turn a walnut shell into a teacup. Been working on it for 2 hours. I read about Merlin drinking out of a walnut cup in the Merlin series . No, I don't have anything better to do if you are wondering. I also hve to clean my room since I have all that extra time in which to do it tomorrow :( Oh well, -Tootles

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Well, another day at the school entirely wasted on the betterment of young minds today...*sighs*...You think they would eventually quit trying to educate us when they noticed we just don't have the brain capacity it takes to cross multiply. Anyway not much going on, but school. Tootles

Monday, September 13, 2004

The Vulcans

Well, I have a question.....what exactly are the Vulcans. Some of my friends and I are the founders ( according to Matthew) of our new "club" called the Vulcans. You know the dude on Star Trek who has pointy ears? I think we're talking about him and his race of ppl..hmmmm...I have a sight with a picture of the dude and he's doing our club handsign . I think we should all have Vulcan names. (Actually I think we should have a club based on a more attractive race of aliens :) Well, I have to go . Tootles

Friday, September 10, 2004

Well, I have to say Yearbook staff is really cool. We have already been debating the cover. Which I can't tell what they look like. It's a secret. :P Anyway I have to go get ready for the highschool football game. Tootles

Friday, September 03, 2004

Year Book Staff

Well, guess what? I have failed once again to get my friends and I into a club/society so we can hang out. I got into yearbook staff, but unfortunately Thomas and Matthew didn't. I blame it on the fact that we turned in their essays after the bell had already rung. Although the teachers said we could turn them in until 3:00 and the bell rings at 2:30.* sighs * Anyway they're not a lot of people that I know on it. Thank goodness for Cassie. She got on the yearbook staff to. I really look forward to getting to take pictures etc. Now for my last resort for mission hang out ( that sounds so corny) ....... The math class. Holly and I have a plan. One day we are just going to tell her mom that we have after school math.Which she doesn't. Then I can go with her( my mom's a teacher and stays late) and tell Mr. Griswold that our mom's told us we could go to after school math and they said to say thank you for offering it. That way he's confused and can't remember if he sent home notes with the 8th grade Algebra class or not. hehehehe I'm just hoping we don't get caught at it. That is if we decide to proceed with mission hang out... I really haven't ran this by Holly yet....:) I have a lot of free time ,as you can tell, to think these things through. So if anybody wants to e-mail me a suggestion about this feel free. Write me at ............ Tootles!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

The Siege of Avalon

I've played this game on my computer and beat it about ten times now trying to save my girlfriend. ( I have to choose a male character in the gam So of course he has the girlfriend not me.) Anyway in it Avalon is a fortress built from the remnants of a nation attacked by ahoul a race of ork things. It's really cool, but I like a lot of King Arthur'ish games. Anyway here's a link to a site where you can learn more about it. Tootles