Thursday, October 08, 2009

Resource Learning Center: The Benefits of Being an Education Major

Okay, so far my college experience has been mostly composed of going to class or hanging out in my apartment with Tyler. Which is extremely pleasant and filled with music, video games, and reading, but...Extremely non-conducive to studying*. Not to mention I still don't really know anyone on campus that isn't in a class with me. Don't get me wrong, this isn't one of THOSE posts. I'm quite happy with life at the moment. My time and social life just aren't well balanced.

On the extremely bright side: I get to spend almost all of my time with Tyler. Profuse smiling here. My apartment has internet from Charter opposed to dial-up and so my iTunes is growing exponentially.

I realize that I never mentioned it, but I did in fact have to change my major from English to Secondary Education English. Which saddened me quite a bit at first. Then I was introduced to The Learning Resource Center earlier today. This center is only open to education majors and is AMAZING. You can check out a variety of useful things like laptops, digital cameras, hand puppets (!! I know!!), different toys for teaching your classroom, and AND (Yes, this excited me the most) they have a room full of books for teaching your class room. K-12th fiction and fantasy literature. Two shelves of graphic novels. I get to read young adult fiction books in order to better my education! Me for the win!

I checked out and read the first two books in Bone by Jeff Smith today. They are really super awesome, though I hear they get darker in later issues. I highly recommend that you go read them, and once I've read them all I'll post a review.

*The class I spent hours studying still beat me down. I hate you mathematicians.